Volume: 250 ml
XXL Vodka Cranberry is a vibrant and refreshing ready-to-drink cocktail that promises to elevate any gathering. Crafted with premium vodka and natural cranberry flavors, this cocktail stands out for its bold taste and convenience. XXL Vodka Cranberry offers unparalleled quality and flavor, rivaling even freshly made cocktails. With its smooth texture and enticing aroma, it's the ultimate choice for those looking to add a touch of sophistication to their festivities.
Premium vodka, distilled multiple times for purity, forms the base of this cocktail. Natural cranberry flavors are carefully infused to achieve the perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess. With a history spanning decades, the producer has perfected the art of crafting premium cocktails that capture the essence of their origin.
Pair it with light salads, cheese platters, or seafood canapés for a delightful culinary experience.
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Volume: 250 ml
35.00 AED
55.00 AED / 1x
XXL Vodka Cranberry is a vibrant and refreshing ready-to-drink cocktail that promises to elevate any gathering. Crafted with premium vodka and natural cranberry flavors, this cocktail stands out for its bold taste and convenience. XXL Vodka Cranberry offers unparalleled quality and flavor, rivaling even freshly made cocktails. With its smooth texture and enticing aroma, it's the ultimate choice for those looking to add a touch of sophistication to their festivities.
Premium vodka, distilled multiple times for purity, forms the base of this cocktail. Natural cranberry flavors are carefully infused to achieve the perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess. With a history spanning decades, the producer has perfected the art of crafting premium cocktails that capture the essence of their origin.
Pair it with light salads, cheese platters, or seafood canapés for a delightful culinary experience.
Inviting aroma of ripe cranberries with a hint of citrus zest.
Smooth and luscious, with the perfect balance of sweet cranberry and crisp vodka.
Refreshingly tart with a lingering sweetness
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