Volume: 750 ml
Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label Brut is an iconic champagne, known for its perfect balance of structure and finesse. Crafted from a blend of 50-55% Pinot Noir, 28-33% Chardonnay, and 15-20% Pinot Meunier, this non-vintage cuvée showcases the house's consistent quality. Sourced from as many as 50-60 different crus, it includes up to 45% reserve wines to maintain its distinct style.
The brilliant golden-yellow hue and fine bubbles invite you into a rich aromatic experience. On the nose, expect notes of pear, apple, and peach, with hints of citrus fruits like mandarin and grapefruit. The palate follows with brioche, vanilla, and the silkiness of a well-aged champagne, leaving a refined and elegant finish.
This versatile champagne pairs wonderfully with brie, cured meats, seafood, and creamy dishes. Its balance of fruitiness and acidity makes it a fantastic companion to smoked salmon or even a simple cheese platter.
Whether you’re enjoying a chic evening at Dubai’s Jumeirah Islands or hosting a stylish rooftop event in Abu Dhabi’s Al Maryah Island, Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label adds an unmistakable touch of sophistication to your celebration. Delivered chilled by CityDrinks, the UAE’s largest online liquor store, it arrives within two hours, ensuring your event sparkles with elegance.
Veuve Clicquot
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Volume: 750 ml
285.00 AED
Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label Brut is an iconic champagne, known for its perfect balance of structure and finesse. Crafted from a blend of 50-55% Pinot Noir, 28-33% Chardonnay, and 15-20% Pinot Meunier, this non-vintage cuvée showcases the house's consistent quality. Sourced from as many as 50-60 different crus, it includes up to 45% reserve wines to maintain its distinct style.
The brilliant golden-yellow hue and fine bubbles invite you into a rich aromatic experience. On the nose, expect notes of pear, apple, and peach, with hints of citrus fruits like mandarin and grapefruit. The palate follows with brioche, vanilla, and the silkiness of a well-aged champagne, leaving a refined and elegant finish.
This versatile champagne pairs wonderfully with brie, cured meats, seafood, and creamy dishes. Its balance of fruitiness and acidity makes it a fantastic companion to smoked salmon or even a simple cheese platter.
Whether you’re enjoying a chic evening at Dubai’s Jumeirah Islands or hosting a stylish rooftop event in Abu Dhabi’s Al Maryah Island, Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label adds an unmistakable touch of sophistication to your celebration. Delivered chilled by CityDrinks, the UAE’s largest online liquor store, it arrives within two hours, ensuring your event sparkles with elegance.
Champagne - Brut
Veuve Clicquot
Grape Variety
Blend composition
52% Pinot Noir, 30% Chardonnay, 18% Pinot Meunier
Vivino rating
A captivating blend of freshly baked croissants, green apple, lemon meringue, and pear, with subtle hints of clove, mint, and vanilla.
A complex array of flavors including yeasty toast, bright lemon zest, and fresh apples, delivering a structured and bone-dry experience.
A refreshing and mouthwatering acidity that leaves a lingering desire for another sip.
Containes Sulfites.
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