Volume: 750 ml
Thomas Schmitt Kabinett Riesling is a refined white wine from Germany’s Mosel Valley, a region famous for producing some of the world’s best Rieslings. Kabinett wines are known for their light and delicate sweetness, with grapes harvested early to retain freshness and vibrant acidity. This wine perfectly balances ripe fruit flavors with the minerality and zesty profile characteristic of Mosel's steep, slate-soil vineyards.
On the nose, Thomas Schmitt Kabinett Riesling offers bright aromas of green apple, citrus, and white peach, with subtle floral and mineral notes. The palate is crisp and refreshing, delivering flavors of lime, pear, and a hint of apricot, all wrapped in a clean, well-balanced acidity that leads to a smooth, lingering finish.
This Riesling pairs beautifully with seafood, light poultry dishes, and Asian cuisine. Its fresh acidity and delicate sweetness make it an excellent companion for dishes like grilled shrimp, sushi, or a light chicken salad.
Whether you're enjoying a quiet evening at your home in Dubai Marina or hosting a casual dinner at your Khalifa City residence in Abu Dhabi, Thomas Schmitt Kabinett Riesling brings a touch of Mosel Valley elegance to your table. CityDrinks delivers this crisp white wine to your door within just 2 hours, ensuring you enjoy it at its freshest.
Thomas Schmitt
Germany - Mosel
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Volume: 750 ml
55.00 AED
Thomas Schmitt Kabinett Riesling is a refined white wine from Germany’s Mosel Valley, a region famous for producing some of the world’s best Rieslings. Kabinett wines are known for their light and delicate sweetness, with grapes harvested early to retain freshness and vibrant acidity. This wine perfectly balances ripe fruit flavors with the minerality and zesty profile characteristic of Mosel's steep, slate-soil vineyards.
On the nose, Thomas Schmitt Kabinett Riesling offers bright aromas of green apple, citrus, and white peach, with subtle floral and mineral notes. The palate is crisp and refreshing, delivering flavors of lime, pear, and a hint of apricot, all wrapped in a clean, well-balanced acidity that leads to a smooth, lingering finish.
This Riesling pairs beautifully with seafood, light poultry dishes, and Asian cuisine. Its fresh acidity and delicate sweetness make it an excellent companion for dishes like grilled shrimp, sushi, or a light chicken salad.
Whether you're enjoying a quiet evening at your home in Dubai Marina or hosting a casual dinner at your Khalifa City residence in Abu Dhabi, Thomas Schmitt Kabinett Riesling brings a touch of Mosel Valley elegance to your table. CityDrinks delivers this crisp white wine to your door within just 2 hours, ensuring you enjoy it at its freshest.
White Light-Bodied
Thomas Schmitt
Germany - Mosel
Grape Variety
Vivino rating
The nose reveals delicate floral aromas with hints of ripe peach and citrus zest.
The palate unfolds crisp acidity balanced by flavors of green apple, lemon, and mineral undertones.
The finish is clean and refreshing, with a lingering note of juicy fruit and a hint of sweetness.
Contains sulfites
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