Volume: 1000 ml
Tanqueray Rangpur Lime Gin brings an exciting citrus twist to the classic Tanqueray gin profile, thanks to the addition of the rare and exotic Rangpur lime. This distinctive lime, known for its bold flavor that resembles a cross between a lime and a mandarin orange, adds a vibrant and tangy character to the gin. The result is a smooth, refreshing gin with a bright citrus burst, ideal for summer cocktails or a unique gin and tonic.
Tanqueray Rangpur Lime Gin features a bold, zesty flavor from the Rangpur limes, balanced by the earthy juniper and subtle spices that are the hallmark of Tanqueray. The lime’s tartness is rounded out by a hint of sweetness, offering a refreshing and well-balanced finish. At 41.3% ABV, it delivers a crisp and clean experience with an invigorating citrus edge.
This gin pairs perfectly with tonic water, garnished with a slice of lime or a twist of orange for a refreshing gin and tonic. It’s also excellent in a Rangpur lime martini or a citrusy gin spritz. For a lighter serve, try it with soda water and a dash of grapefruit juice, perfect for warm evenings.
Whether you're enjoying a refreshing gin and tonic in Dubai’s Al Barari or savoring a citrus spritz in Abu Dhabi’s Yas Acres, Tanqueray Rangpur Lime Gin offers a zesty and invigorating gin experience. With CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, this bold gin can be delivered to your door in under two hours, ready to brighten up your next cocktail moment.
Emmanuel Douglas
That was a delish drop, bursting with zesty vibes and a smooth finish. Totally amps up the chill factor!
Harmony Herrera
A slice of citrus heaven. Perfect for celebrating with loved ones.
Volume: 1000 ml
105.00 AED
125.00 AED
Tanqueray Rangpur Lime Gin brings an exciting citrus twist to the classic Tanqueray gin profile, thanks to the addition of the rare and exotic Rangpur lime. This distinctive lime, known for its bold flavor that resembles a cross between a lime and a mandarin orange, adds a vibrant and tangy character to the gin. The result is a smooth, refreshing gin with a bright citrus burst, ideal for summer cocktails or a unique gin and tonic.
Tanqueray Rangpur Lime Gin features a bold, zesty flavor from the Rangpur limes, balanced by the earthy juniper and subtle spices that are the hallmark of Tanqueray. The lime’s tartness is rounded out by a hint of sweetness, offering a refreshing and well-balanced finish. At 41.3% ABV, it delivers a crisp and clean experience with an invigorating citrus edge.
This gin pairs perfectly with tonic water, garnished with a slice of lime or a twist of orange for a refreshing gin and tonic. It’s also excellent in a Rangpur lime martini or a citrusy gin spritz. For a lighter serve, try it with soda water and a dash of grapefruit juice, perfect for warm evenings.
Whether you're enjoying a refreshing gin and tonic in Dubai’s Al Barari or savoring a citrus spritz in Abu Dhabi’s Yas Acres, Tanqueray Rangpur Lime Gin offers a zesty and invigorating gin experience. With CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, this bold gin can be delivered to your door in under two hours, ready to brighten up your next cocktail moment.
Predominantly lime, with a backdrop of juniper and licorice, characteristic of Tanqueray.
A blend of citrus notes including lemon, tangerine, and grapefruit, accompanied by green juniper and hints of laurel, coriander, and licorice.
A slightly dry finish with sour citrus and a spice-led accord, maintaining a balance of traditional gin and citrus.
Emmanuel Douglas
That was a delish drop, bursting with zesty vibes and a smooth finish. Totally amps up the chill factor!
Harmony Herrera
A slice of citrus heaven. Perfect for celebrating with loved ones.
Aneesa Montes
Refreshing, with a zesty nose and a smooth, lemony finish. 🍋 delightfully balanced and enjoyable.
Roger Stewart
Invigorated by Tanqueray Rangpur Lime, its nose bursts with invigorating zest and freshly-cut botanicals. Its pleasantly balanced flavor, not as sharp as expected, showcases the recognizable essence of Tanqueray gin. This gem concludes with a smooth, dry, and lemony finish, rendering it a delightful and refreshing choice.
Ishaan Fernandez
Zesty, balanced and refreshing, a top-notch gin to try.