Volume: 750 ml
Tanqueray London Dry Gin is a quintessential gin, loved globally for its bold, juniper-forward flavor and crisp, clean profile. Crafted with four carefully balanced botanicals—juniper, angelica root, coriander, and licorice—this gin has been a benchmark in the gin world since it was first distilled in 1830. Its timeless appeal and versatility make it perfect for a wide range of classic gin cocktails.
Tanqueray London Dry Gin delivers a bold juniper taste, balanced by earthy and spicy undertones from angelica and coriander. The subtle sweetness of licorice rounds out the flavor, providing a smooth and crisp finish. At 43.1% ABV, Tanqueray London Dry Gin is known for its clarity and structure, making it an ideal base for many gin cocktails.
This gin pairs perfectly with tonic water, garnished with a slice of lime or lemon for a refreshing gin and tonic. It also shines in classic cocktails like martinis, negronis, and Tom Collins, where its bold flavor can take center stage. For a refreshing serve, try it with soda water and a twist of lime.
Whether you're enjoying a classic gin and tonic in Downtown Dubai or mixing up a martini in Abu Dhabi’s Corniche, Tanqueray London Dry Gin brings a timeless elegance to your drinks. With CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, this iconic gin can be delivered to your door in under two hours, making it the perfect addition to any gathering or quiet evening in.
Farhan Roberts
Incredibly fruity and spicy, this gin sends your senses on a wild journey of zesty citrus wonder. You won't be able to resist!
Osman Robles
A desire-worthy gin that must not be missed. Tantalising aroma and remarkable flavour.
Volume: 750 ml
85.00 AED
100.00 AED
Tanqueray London Dry Gin is a quintessential gin, loved globally for its bold, juniper-forward flavor and crisp, clean profile. Crafted with four carefully balanced botanicals—juniper, angelica root, coriander, and licorice—this gin has been a benchmark in the gin world since it was first distilled in 1830. Its timeless appeal and versatility make it perfect for a wide range of classic gin cocktails.
Tanqueray London Dry Gin delivers a bold juniper taste, balanced by earthy and spicy undertones from angelica and coriander. The subtle sweetness of licorice rounds out the flavor, providing a smooth and crisp finish. At 43.1% ABV, Tanqueray London Dry Gin is known for its clarity and structure, making it an ideal base for many gin cocktails.
This gin pairs perfectly with tonic water, garnished with a slice of lime or lemon for a refreshing gin and tonic. It also shines in classic cocktails like martinis, negronis, and Tom Collins, where its bold flavor can take center stage. For a refreshing serve, try it with soda water and a twist of lime.
Whether you're enjoying a classic gin and tonic in Downtown Dubai or mixing up a martini in Abu Dhabi’s Corniche, Tanqueray London Dry Gin brings a timeless elegance to your drinks. With CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, this iconic gin can be delivered to your door in under two hours, making it the perfect addition to any gathering or quiet evening in.
A juniper-forward aroma with hints of fresh citrus and earthy spices.
Crisp and well-balanced, featuring juniper, coriander, and subtle citrus notes.
Smooth and satisfying, with a lasting impression of juniper and a touch of spice.
Farhan Roberts
Incredibly fruity and spicy, this gin sends your senses on a wild journey of zesty citrus wonder. You won't be able to resist!
Osman Robles
A desire-worthy gin that must not be missed. Tantalising aroma and remarkable flavour.
Vivian Greer
Exceptional fruity palate with big zesty notes and a citrusy nose 😊
Tess Francis
With its cherished recipe dating back to 1830, this gin impressively delivers a phenomenally fruity and spicy palate. The zesty top notes, derived from Tuscan juniper, angelica, and coriander, provide a refreshing citrusy burst of flavor that fulfills even the highest expectations one may have for a fine gin. It is rather remarkable how this bottle encapsulates the essence of refined botanicals in a single pour.
Katrina Black
So happy with the fruity, spicy notes! They make this gin a must-try! The zesty, citrusy flavors are particularly rich and satisfying.