Volume: 1000 ml
Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla Gin is a vibrant and zesty gin, inspired by the sun-soaked orange groves of Seville, Spain. Infused with the bittersweet essence of Seville oranges and balanced with Tanqueray’s signature blend of four botanicals, this gin offers a fresh and tangy citrus profile. The result is a delightfully bright and balanced gin, perfect for refreshing cocktails that capture the spirit of Southern Spain.
Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla Gin delivers bold, bittersweet notes of Seville oranges, complemented by the classic juniper-forward backbone of Tanqueray. The citrus is perfectly balanced with subtle spice and herbal notes, offering a complex yet refreshing flavor. With an ABV of 41.3%, this gin has a smooth and crisp finish, making it ideal for summery cocktails.
This gin is best served with tonic water, garnished with a slice of fresh orange to enhance its citrus character. It also works beautifully in cocktails like a Flor de Sevilla spritz or a citrus martini. For a refreshing twist, mix it with soda water and a dash of grapefruit juice for a zesty serve.
Whether you’re sipping a bright gin and tonic in Dubai JBR or enjoying a citrus spritz in Abu Dhabi’s Al Raha Gardens, Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla Gin brings the essence of Spanish sunshine to your glass. With CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, this vibrant gin can be delivered to your door in under two hours, ready to elevate any sunny occasion.
Emre Stanley
With its incredible blend of bittersweet Seville oranges and classic botanicals, the fruity and zesty taste of this gin is certainly worth experiencing. The sun-soaked Mediterranean essence captured in each sip is highly rated, making it a must-try for those seeking a unique and enjoyable gin experience. The complexity of flavors found within this gin is truly unmatched.
Billie Harmon
It was like savoring a sun-kissed adventure with a burst of zesty euphoria.
Volume: 1000 ml
125.00 AED
Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla Gin is a vibrant and zesty gin, inspired by the sun-soaked orange groves of Seville, Spain. Infused with the bittersweet essence of Seville oranges and balanced with Tanqueray’s signature blend of four botanicals, this gin offers a fresh and tangy citrus profile. The result is a delightfully bright and balanced gin, perfect for refreshing cocktails that capture the spirit of Southern Spain.
Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla Gin delivers bold, bittersweet notes of Seville oranges, complemented by the classic juniper-forward backbone of Tanqueray. The citrus is perfectly balanced with subtle spice and herbal notes, offering a complex yet refreshing flavor. With an ABV of 41.3%, this gin has a smooth and crisp finish, making it ideal for summery cocktails.
This gin is best served with tonic water, garnished with a slice of fresh orange to enhance its citrus character. It also works beautifully in cocktails like a Flor de Sevilla spritz or a citrus martini. For a refreshing twist, mix it with soda water and a dash of grapefruit juice for a zesty serve.
Whether you’re sipping a bright gin and tonic in Dubai JBR or enjoying a citrus spritz in Abu Dhabi’s Al Raha Gardens, Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla Gin brings the essence of Spanish sunshine to your glass. With CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, this vibrant gin can be delivered to your door in under two hours, ready to elevate any sunny occasion.
Dominated by orange and white grapefruit pith aromas, complemented by underlying notes of licorice, angelica, and juniper.
Starts with a vibrant bitter orange peel flavor, evolving into a drier taste with juniper and earthy licorice root.
Surprisingly dry, leaving a long-lasting orange note reminiscent of sipping Cointreau.
Emre Stanley
With its incredible blend of bittersweet Seville oranges and classic botanicals, the fruity and zesty taste of this gin is certainly worth experiencing. The sun-soaked Mediterranean essence captured in each sip is highly rated, making it a must-try for those seeking a unique and enjoyable gin experience. The complexity of flavors found within this gin is truly unmatched.
Billie Harmon
It was like savoring a sun-kissed adventure with a burst of zesty euphoria.
Jeremy Bowers
Totally didn't expect to be transported to the Mediterranean. This gin is super tasty and a great option!
Owain O'Connor
Smooth and refreshingly vibrant gin, where the flavors of bittersweet oranges effortlessly dance on the palate.
Fergus Clay
The delightful combination of bittersweet oranges and classic botanicals. Irresistible and unusually refreshing!