Volume: 1000 ml
Skyy Vodka is a premium vodka brand that originated in San Francisco in 1992. Known for its exceptional smoothness and quality, Skyy is crafted using a unique quadruple distillation and triple filtration process. This innovative method ensures that the vodka achieves a high level of purity and a soft, clean taste.
On the palate, Skyy Vodka delivers a crisp, refreshing flavor with subtle notes of grains and a smooth finish. Its clean character makes it perfect for sipping neat or on the rocks, as well as an ideal base for a wide variety of cocktails. Whether mixed in a classic vodka soda, a vibrant cosmopolitan, or an innovative cocktail creation, Skyy Vodka enhances the overall drinking experience.
Skyy Vodka is made from high-quality grains and is enriched with local Pacific minerals from the San Francisco Bay, which adds a unique touch to its flavor profile. This careful attention to detail has earned Skyy numerous awards, including accolades for its taste and quality.
This vodka pairs well with various foods, making it a versatile choice for social gatherings. It complements light dishes such as seafood, salads, and appetizers, as well as rich flavors in savory meals, enhancing any dining experience.
Whether you're hosting a lively gathering in Dubai Marina or enjoying a casual evening in Al Bateen Abu Dhabi, CityDrinks delivers Skyy Vodka to your door in under two hours. As the leading online liquor store in the UAE, CityDrinks ensures you have quick and convenient access to this classic vodka for any occasion.
Citydrinks is a game-changer! 🥤✨ Wide variety, affordable prices, and super easy to order. My delivery was fresh, perfectly packed, and my favorite drink was so refreshing! Don’t forget to use code HELLO for 10% OFF your first 3 orders. Highly recommend! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ray Tran
Skyy vodka is a decent, smooth option. Affordable cost. Pleasant taste.
Volume: 1000 ml
50.00 AED
60.00 AED / 1x
Skyy Vodka is a premium vodka brand that originated in San Francisco in 1992. Known for its exceptional smoothness and quality, Skyy is crafted using a unique quadruple distillation and triple filtration process. This innovative method ensures that the vodka achieves a high level of purity and a soft, clean taste.
On the palate, Skyy Vodka delivers a crisp, refreshing flavor with subtle notes of grains and a smooth finish. Its clean character makes it perfect for sipping neat or on the rocks, as well as an ideal base for a wide variety of cocktails. Whether mixed in a classic vodka soda, a vibrant cosmopolitan, or an innovative cocktail creation, Skyy Vodka enhances the overall drinking experience.
Skyy Vodka is made from high-quality grains and is enriched with local Pacific minerals from the San Francisco Bay, which adds a unique touch to its flavor profile. This careful attention to detail has earned Skyy numerous awards, including accolades for its taste and quality.
This vodka pairs well with various foods, making it a versatile choice for social gatherings. It complements light dishes such as seafood, salads, and appetizers, as well as rich flavors in savory meals, enhancing any dining experience.
Whether you're hosting a lively gathering in Dubai Marina or enjoying a casual evening in Al Bateen Abu Dhabi, CityDrinks delivers Skyy Vodka to your door in under two hours. As the leading online liquor store in the UAE, CityDrinks ensures you have quick and convenient access to this classic vodka for any occasion.
Wheat Vodka
Fresh and clean with a faint hint of fruit and toasted grains.
Smooth with a subtle salinity and minerality, offering a gentle full taste.
Clean-tasting and perfect for mixing, with a sleek design in its blue bottle.
Citydrinks is a game-changer! 🥤✨ Wide variety, affordable prices, and super easy to order. My delivery was fresh, perfectly packed, and my favorite drink was so refreshing! Don’t forget to use code HELLO for 10% OFF your first 3 orders. Highly recommend! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ray Tran
Skyy vodka is a decent, smooth option. Affordable cost. Pleasant taste.
Isabel Franco
I enjoyed myself with Skyy vodka. It was quite pleasurable and the taste was really palatable. Great beverage for mixing!
Esha Fulton
I absolutely love how SKYY vodka effortlessly glides down my throat, leaving a delightful and smooth sensation. Lovely taste.
Asma Shaw
Skyy vodka offers a balanced and smooth experience, with subtle hints of grain on the nose. The velvety texture and peppery finish provide a satisfying taste, while the noticeable warmth adds depth. Perfect for mixology enthusiasts, Skyy vodka's oily aftertaste is worth exploring for those seeking a seriously harmonious drinking experience.
Chanelle Slater
On first sip, I found Skyy vodka to be smooth and easy to drink. With a touch of spiciness on the finish 😊