Volume: 750 ml
Raventós i Blanc De Nit is a sophisticated and elegant sparkling rosé from the Conca del Riu Anoia region in Catalonia, Spain. Crafted predominantly from native white grape varieties Macabeo, Xarel·lo, and Parellada, with a touch of Monastrell, this wine offers a distinctive pale pink hue and a unique aromatic profile. The addition of Monastrell imparts subtle red fruit characteristics, adding complexity to the blend.
On the nose, expect a delicate bouquet of strawberries, cherries, and citrus zest, balanced by floral undertones and hints of fennel. The palate is lively and fresh, showcasing flavors of red berries, white fruits, and a touch of minerality. The fine bubbles, bright acidity, and elegant mousse culminate in a crisp, clean finish.
Produced using biodynamic and organic viticulture, Raventós i Blanc adheres to sustainable farming practices. The wine undergoes secondary fermentation in the bottle and is aged on lees for a minimum of 15 months, resulting in refined texture and complexity.
This versatile sparkling rosé pairs beautifully with seafood, sushi, and light Mediterranean dishes, making it an ideal choice for any elegant dining experience.
Enjoy Raventós i Blanc De Nit at your Jumeirah Islands residence after a serene evening stroll along The Walk at JBR, or raise a glass at your Yas Island villa following a day at Ferrari World. With CityDrinks, this biodynamic rosé can be delivered to your home within two hours, adding sophistication to your gatherings.
Raventós i Blanc
Spain - Catalunya
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Volume: 750 ml
115.00 AED
Raventós i Blanc De Nit is a sophisticated and elegant sparkling rosé from the Conca del Riu Anoia region in Catalonia, Spain. Crafted predominantly from native white grape varieties Macabeo, Xarel·lo, and Parellada, with a touch of Monastrell, this wine offers a distinctive pale pink hue and a unique aromatic profile. The addition of Monastrell imparts subtle red fruit characteristics, adding complexity to the blend.
On the nose, expect a delicate bouquet of strawberries, cherries, and citrus zest, balanced by floral undertones and hints of fennel. The palate is lively and fresh, showcasing flavors of red berries, white fruits, and a touch of minerality. The fine bubbles, bright acidity, and elegant mousse culminate in a crisp, clean finish.
Produced using biodynamic and organic viticulture, Raventós i Blanc adheres to sustainable farming practices. The wine undergoes secondary fermentation in the bottle and is aged on lees for a minimum of 15 months, resulting in refined texture and complexity.
This versatile sparkling rosé pairs beautifully with seafood, sushi, and light Mediterranean dishes, making it an ideal choice for any elegant dining experience.
Enjoy Raventós i Blanc De Nit at your Jumeirah Islands residence after a serene evening stroll along The Walk at JBR, or raise a glass at your Yas Island villa following a day at Ferrari World. With CityDrinks, this biodynamic rosé can be delivered to your home within two hours, adding sophistication to your gatherings.
Sparkling - Other
Raventós i Blanc
Spain - Catalunya
Grape Variety
Vivino rating
Aromas of ripe strawberries, citrus blossom, and hints of brioche
Bright acidity with flavors of red currants, blood orange, and a touch of minerality
Lingering notes of dried herbs and a subtle saline quality
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