Volume: 250 ml
Experience the bold and zesty flavors of Punch Club Yuzu Ginger Vodka Cocktail, a refreshing ready-to-drink cocktail made with certified organic ingredients. With an ABV of 5.5%, this 250ml cocktail combines the tangy citrus of yuzu with the warm spice of ginger, enhanced by kaffir lime, black pepper, and star anise.
Crafted with vodka, yuzu, and a medley of spices, this cocktail offers a complex and invigorating flavor profile, perfect for those who enjoy a bold and aromatic drink. The balance of citrus, spice, and sweetness, finished with a light carbonation, makes this cocktail a refreshing choice for any occasion.
Whether you're enjoying an evening at District One Dubai or hosting a casual gathering in Al Forsan Village Abu Dhabi, Punch Club Yuzu Ginger Vodka Cocktail brings a unique and exciting flavor to your glass. With CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, this premium cocktail can be delivered to your door within just 2 hours.
Punch Club
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Volume: 250 ml
10.00 AED
15.00 AED
Experience the bold and zesty flavors of Punch Club Yuzu Ginger Vodka Cocktail, a refreshing ready-to-drink cocktail made with certified organic ingredients. With an ABV of 5.5%, this 250ml cocktail combines the tangy citrus of yuzu with the warm spice of ginger, enhanced by kaffir lime, black pepper, and star anise.
Crafted with vodka, yuzu, and a medley of spices, this cocktail offers a complex and invigorating flavor profile, perfect for those who enjoy a bold and aromatic drink. The balance of citrus, spice, and sweetness, finished with a light carbonation, makes this cocktail a refreshing choice for any occasion.
Whether you're enjoying an evening at District One Dubai or hosting a casual gathering in Al Forsan Village Abu Dhabi, Punch Club Yuzu Ginger Vodka Cocktail brings a unique and exciting flavor to your glass. With CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, this premium cocktail can be delivered to your door within just 2 hours.
Punch Club
A delightful bouquet of tart yuzu citrus with hints of spicy ginger and subtle sweetness.
A vibrant, tangy yuzu flavor with a smooth ginger undertone and refreshing sparkle.
A lingering, crisp finish that leaves a refreshing aftertaste, inviting another sip.
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