Volume: 700 ml
Nikka Rare Old Super Blended Whisky, often known simply as Super Nikka, is a legendary blend from the Nikka Whisky Distilling Company. First introduced in 1962 by Masataka Taketsuru, the founder of Nikka, this whisky was created in honor of his late wife, Rita. It embodies a classic style of Japanese whisky that is smooth, mellow, and easy to drink, with a blend of malt and grain whiskies from Nikka’s Yoichi and Miyagikyo distilleries.
Super Nikka has a classic medium amber color. The nose is characterized by honey and caramel scents with hints of over-ripe banana, stewed apples, and a touch of nuts. On the palate, it offers light honey, caramel, apple, pear, tropical fruits, lemon citrus, and peanuts, complemented by rye spices like cinnamon and cloves. The finish is medium-short, with oak and mild astringency, ending with a hint of artificial sweetness.
Nikka Rare Old Super has received several accolades over the years. It won the World Whiskies Awards' Best Japanese Blended Whisky No Age Statement category in 2013, and it was awarded a Silver Medal in 2009 and a Gold Medal in 2008 at the International Spirits Challenge.
CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store based in Abu Dhabi, proudly offers Nikka Rare Old Super Blended Whisky at competitive prices. Enjoy the convenience of our exceptional delivery service, ensuring this premium Japanese whisky reaches your doorstep within 2 hours or less. CityDrinks provides an extensive selection of premium spirits, wines, and beers, giving you access to the finest alcoholic beverages. Order now to enhance your whisky collection with this classic and historically significant Japanese whisky.
Nikka Whisky Distilling Co.
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Volume: 700 ml
185.00 AED
Nikka Rare Old Super Blended Whisky, often known simply as Super Nikka, is a legendary blend from the Nikka Whisky Distilling Company. First introduced in 1962 by Masataka Taketsuru, the founder of Nikka, this whisky was created in honor of his late wife, Rita. It embodies a classic style of Japanese whisky that is smooth, mellow, and easy to drink, with a blend of malt and grain whiskies from Nikka’s Yoichi and Miyagikyo distilleries.
Super Nikka has a classic medium amber color. The nose is characterized by honey and caramel scents with hints of over-ripe banana, stewed apples, and a touch of nuts. On the palate, it offers light honey, caramel, apple, pear, tropical fruits, lemon citrus, and peanuts, complemented by rye spices like cinnamon and cloves. The finish is medium-short, with oak and mild astringency, ending with a hint of artificial sweetness.
Nikka Rare Old Super has received several accolades over the years. It won the World Whiskies Awards' Best Japanese Blended Whisky No Age Statement category in 2013, and it was awarded a Silver Medal in 2009 and a Gold Medal in 2008 at the International Spirits Challenge.
CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store based in Abu Dhabi, proudly offers Nikka Rare Old Super Blended Whisky at competitive prices. Enjoy the convenience of our exceptional delivery service, ensuring this premium Japanese whisky reaches your doorstep within 2 hours or less. CityDrinks provides an extensive selection of premium spirits, wines, and beers, giving you access to the finest alcoholic beverages. Order now to enhance your whisky collection with this classic and historically significant Japanese whisky.
Blended Whisky
Nikka Whisky Distilling Co.
Cask Type
American (White) Oak
Whizzky Rating
Honey, caramel, over-ripe banana, stewed apples, and nuts.
Light honey, caramel, apple, pear, tropical fruits, lemon citrus, peanuts, and rye spices (cinnamon, cloves).
Medium-short with oak, mild astringency, and a hint of artificial sweetness.
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