Volume: 1000 ml
Nemiroff Original Vodka is a celebrated spirit hailing from Ukraine, known for its rich heritage and commitment to quality. Established in 1992, Nemiroff has rapidly become one of the most recognized vodka brands globally, distinguished by its exceptional craftsmanship and distinct flavor profile. Crafted from the finest grains and pure spring water, Nemiroff Original undergoes a meticulous distillation process, ensuring a vodka that's as authentic as it is smooth.
With an alcohol content of 40% ABV, Nemiroff Original Vodka delivers a well-rounded taste experience that is both crisp and clean. The careful selection of ingredients and the traditional distillation methods contribute to a vodka that is free from additives, creating a pure spirit that shines in any setting. Whether served neat, on the rocks, or mixed into cocktails, Nemiroff Original stands out for its remarkable smoothness.
On the nose, Nemiroff Original Vodka offers a fresh aroma with delicate hints of grains and a touch of sweetness. The palate is characterized by a silky texture that delivers a balanced flavor profile, featuring subtle notes of vanilla and a slight peppery finish. The aftertaste is clean and refreshing, making it an ideal choice for any occasion, from casual get-togethers to festive celebrations.
This versatile vodka is perfect for creating a variety of cocktails, from the classic Vodka Martini to the invigorating Bloody Mary. Its smoothness and authentic character also make it a fantastic base for innovative mixed drinks, allowing mixologists to experiment and elevate their creations.
Whether you're toasting to a special moment at a lively gathering in Downtown Dubai or enjoying a relaxed evening with friends in Yas Island Abu Dhabi, Nemiroff Original Vodka brings a touch of Ukrainian authenticity to every experience. With CityDrinks, the UAE’s premier online liquor store, you can have this exceptional vodka delivered to your door within two hours, ready to savor and share.
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Volume: 1000 ml
27.50 AED
Nemiroff Original Vodka is a celebrated spirit hailing from Ukraine, known for its rich heritage and commitment to quality. Established in 1992, Nemiroff has rapidly become one of the most recognized vodka brands globally, distinguished by its exceptional craftsmanship and distinct flavor profile. Crafted from the finest grains and pure spring water, Nemiroff Original undergoes a meticulous distillation process, ensuring a vodka that's as authentic as it is smooth.
With an alcohol content of 40% ABV, Nemiroff Original Vodka delivers a well-rounded taste experience that is both crisp and clean. The careful selection of ingredients and the traditional distillation methods contribute to a vodka that is free from additives, creating a pure spirit that shines in any setting. Whether served neat, on the rocks, or mixed into cocktails, Nemiroff Original stands out for its remarkable smoothness.
On the nose, Nemiroff Original Vodka offers a fresh aroma with delicate hints of grains and a touch of sweetness. The palate is characterized by a silky texture that delivers a balanced flavor profile, featuring subtle notes of vanilla and a slight peppery finish. The aftertaste is clean and refreshing, making it an ideal choice for any occasion, from casual get-togethers to festive celebrations.
This versatile vodka is perfect for creating a variety of cocktails, from the classic Vodka Martini to the invigorating Bloody Mary. Its smoothness and authentic character also make it a fantastic base for innovative mixed drinks, allowing mixologists to experiment and elevate their creations.
Whether you're toasting to a special moment at a lively gathering in Downtown Dubai or enjoying a relaxed evening with friends in Yas Island Abu Dhabi, Nemiroff Original Vodka brings a touch of Ukrainian authenticity to every experience. With CityDrinks, the UAE’s premier online liquor store, you can have this exceptional vodka delivered to your door within two hours, ready to savor and share.
Wheat Vodka
The aroma is clean and crisp, featuring subtle hints of freshly baked bread and a delicate touch of sweet vanilla.
The palate is smooth and velvety, showcasing a harmonious balance of flavors.
The finish is clean and refreshing, with a lingering warmth that showcases the vodka's purity.
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