Volume: 750 ml
Mars Iwai Blended Whisky is a refined and approachable Japanese whisky produced by the Shinshu Mars Distillery in Nagano, Japan. Named after Kiichiro Iwai, a key figure in Japanese whisky history, this blend draws inspiration from American bourbon, incorporating a high proportion of corn in its mash bill.
Mars Iwai Blended Whisky is crafted from a blend of 75% corn and 25% malted barley and aged in ex-bourbon barrels. This combination results in a whisky with a rich and creamy texture, highlighted by sweet and fruity notes. The nose reveals aromas of vanilla, butterscotch, and pome fruits like apples and pears. On the palate, it delivers a delightful mix of sweet honey, caramel, and a touch of spice, all balanced by the smoothness of the corn. The finish is clean and mellow, with lingering notes of vanilla and a hint of oak.
Mars Iwai Blended Whisky was awarded the Gold Medal at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition in 2023, underscoring its superior quality and craftsmanship.
CityDrinks, based in Abu Dhabi, is the leading online liquor store in the UAE and proudly offers Mars Iwai Blended Whisky at the best prices. With our unparalleled delivery service, you can enjoy this premium Japanese whisky delivered to your home within 2 hours or less. CityDrinks provides an extensive selection of premium spirits, wines, and beers, ensuring you have access to the finest alcoholic beverages. Order now and elevate your whisky collection with this exceptional blend.
Shinshu Mars Distillery
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Volume: 750 ml
180.00 AED
Mars Iwai Blended Whisky is a refined and approachable Japanese whisky produced by the Shinshu Mars Distillery in Nagano, Japan. Named after Kiichiro Iwai, a key figure in Japanese whisky history, this blend draws inspiration from American bourbon, incorporating a high proportion of corn in its mash bill.
Mars Iwai Blended Whisky is crafted from a blend of 75% corn and 25% malted barley and aged in ex-bourbon barrels. This combination results in a whisky with a rich and creamy texture, highlighted by sweet and fruity notes. The nose reveals aromas of vanilla, butterscotch, and pome fruits like apples and pears. On the palate, it delivers a delightful mix of sweet honey, caramel, and a touch of spice, all balanced by the smoothness of the corn. The finish is clean and mellow, with lingering notes of vanilla and a hint of oak.
Mars Iwai Blended Whisky was awarded the Gold Medal at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition in 2023, underscoring its superior quality and craftsmanship.
CityDrinks, based in Abu Dhabi, is the leading online liquor store in the UAE and proudly offers Mars Iwai Blended Whisky at the best prices. With our unparalleled delivery service, you can enjoy this premium Japanese whisky delivered to your home within 2 hours or less. CityDrinks provides an extensive selection of premium spirits, wines, and beers, ensuring you have access to the finest alcoholic beverages. Order now and elevate your whisky collection with this exceptional blend.
Blended Whisky
Shinshu Mars Distillery
Cask Type
No Age Statement
Whizzky Rating
Honey, vanilla, and a hint of smoky peat.
Dried fruits, nuts, subtle smokiness, and a creamy texture with a hint of spice.
Long and smooth with lingering notes of oak and caramel.
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