Volume: 750 ml
Luxardo Aperitivo Liqueur is a delightful Italian aperitif, expertly crafted with a blend of herbs, roots, and citrus fruits. With an alcohol content of 11% or 15% by volume, this liqueur offers a refreshing and balanced flavor profile, making it a perfect choice for aperitivo occasions. Its vibrant orange hue reflects the bright and zesty character of the drink, which is ideal for creating low-ABV cocktails.
The tasting notes of Luxardo Aperitivo reveal a complex aroma that combines fruity citrus and subtle herbal nuances. On the palate, it presents a harmonious blend of sweet and bitter flavors, including hints of grapefruit peel, root beer, and light herbs like rosemary and sage. The finish is refreshing and slightly bitter, making it an enjoyable pre-dinner drink.
Luxardo Aperitivo Liqueur is versatile in cocktails and is particularly well-suited for classic recipes like the Aperitivo Spritz. Simply mix it with Prosecco and soda water, garnished with an orange slice, for a refreshing summer drink. Its low alcohol content allows for easy sipping, making it a fantastic addition to any gathering.
Whether you're enjoying a sunny brunch in Dubai Sports City or an elegant evening in Al Ghadeer Abu Dhabi, Luxardo Aperitivo adds a touch of Italian flair to your occasion. With CityDrinks, the UAE’s largest online liquor store, this aperitif liqueur can be delivered chilled to your door within two hours, ready to enjoy.
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Volume: 750 ml
95.00 AED
Luxardo Aperitivo Liqueur is a delightful Italian aperitif, expertly crafted with a blend of herbs, roots, and citrus fruits. With an alcohol content of 11% or 15% by volume, this liqueur offers a refreshing and balanced flavor profile, making it a perfect choice for aperitivo occasions. Its vibrant orange hue reflects the bright and zesty character of the drink, which is ideal for creating low-ABV cocktails.
The tasting notes of Luxardo Aperitivo reveal a complex aroma that combines fruity citrus and subtle herbal nuances. On the palate, it presents a harmonious blend of sweet and bitter flavors, including hints of grapefruit peel, root beer, and light herbs like rosemary and sage. The finish is refreshing and slightly bitter, making it an enjoyable pre-dinner drink.
Luxardo Aperitivo Liqueur is versatile in cocktails and is particularly well-suited for classic recipes like the Aperitivo Spritz. Simply mix it with Prosecco and soda water, garnished with an orange slice, for a refreshing summer drink. Its low alcohol content allows for easy sipping, making it a fantastic addition to any gathering.
Whether you're enjoying a sunny brunch in Dubai Sports City or an elegant evening in Al Ghadeer Abu Dhabi, Luxardo Aperitivo adds a touch of Italian flair to your occasion. With CityDrinks, the UAE’s largest online liquor store, this aperitif liqueur can be delivered chilled to your door within two hours, ready to enjoy.
A fragrant mix of bittersweet grapefruit, subtle hints of herbal rosemary, and a touch of sage.
Begins with a fruity sweetness, transitioning to a zestier heart with notes of orange zest and anise.
A pleasing contrast between sweet initial flavors and a lingering bitter finish, characterized by gentian and quinine.
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