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Scotch Whisky


Label 5 - Classic Black

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1000 ml
  • Sweet and Slightly Smoky

    Label 5 Classic Black Blended Scotch is a beacon in the realm of affordable spirits, offering a harmonious blend of grain and Speyside malts. Celebrated for its accessibility and smooth taste, this whisky is a staple in France, its main market, and is relished in over 100 countries.

    The Speyside malts form the backbone of this blend, providing it with a sweet and slightly smoky profile that's both inviting and complex.

    Produced at the Starlaw Grain Distillery located between Glasgow and Edinburgh, Label 5 Classic Black is the result of meticulous blending. The inclusion of Glen Moray malt adds a distinctive character to the blend, highlighting the brand's commitment to quality.

    This whisky's smoothness and balanced taste profile are achieved through careful selection of its components, showcasing La Martiniquaise's expertise in crafting exceptional spirits​.

    Owned by the French company La Martiniquaise, Label 5 has grown to become one of the largest selling whiskies in France since its launch in 1969. The brand's commitment to quality and innovation is evident in its diverse range, which also includes premium expressions such as the 12 yo, Extra Rare 18 yo, and Gold Heritage.

  • Producer

    La Martiniquaise

  • There are no ratings

from 2x

40.00 AED

45.00 AED / 1x
Label 5 - Classic Black
Label 5 - Classic Black

Label 5 - Classic Black

No rating
1000 ml
from 2x

40.00 AED

45.00 AED / 1x

Sweet and Slightly Smoky

Label 5 Classic Black Blended Scotch is a beacon in the realm of affordable spirits, offering a harmonious blend of grain and Speyside malts. Celebrated for its accessibility and smooth taste, this whisky is a staple in France, its main market, and is relished in over 100 countries.

The Speyside malts form the backbone of this blend, providing it with a sweet and slightly smoky profile that's both inviting and complex.

Produced at the Starlaw Grain Distillery located between Glasgow and Edinburgh, Label 5 Classic Black is the result of meticulous blending. The inclusion of Glen Moray malt adds a distinctive character to the blend, highlighting the brand's commitment to quality.

This whisky's smoothness and balanced taste profile are achieved through careful selection of its components, showcasing La Martiniquaise's expertise in crafting exceptional spirits​.

Owned by the French company La Martiniquaise, Label 5 has grown to become one of the largest selling whiskies in France since its launch in 1969. The brand's commitment to quality and innovation is evident in its diverse range, which also includes premium expressions such as the 12 yo, Extra Rare 18 yo, and Gold Heritage.

  • Style

    Blended Whisky

  • Producer

    La Martiniquaise

  • Country


  • Age

    No Age Statement

  • Whizzky Rating


  • ABV


  • Nose

    Expect sweet vanilla and malt, with inviting hints of green fruits, creating a delightful and inviting aroma.

  • Palate

    A dance of malt and oak, spiced with cinnamon and ginger, and accented with honey and fruit. A medium body makes it easy drinking, with a complexity that unfolds with each sip.

  • Finish

    Ginger and lemon zest fade into toffee notes, providing a medium-length finish that leaves a lasting impression​.


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