Volume: 750 ml
La Domitienne Blanc de Blancs Mousseux is a sophisticated sparkling wine that showcases the finesse and elegance of traditional French winemaking. Crafted exclusively from Chardonnay grapes, this wine epitomizes the meticulous craftsmanship of Domaine La Domitienne, a producer renowned for its dedication to quality and tradition. Sourced from the Languedoc region in southern France, the wine benefits from the region's Mediterranean climate, resulting in fresh, vibrant characteristics.
On the nose, expect a delicate bouquet of citrus fruits and white flowers, intertwined with subtle hints of brioche. The palate follows with a harmonious blend of green apple, lemon zest, and a creamy undertone, offering a balanced, refreshing experience. The crisp, clean finish, along with its fine, persistent bubbles, adds to the luxurious feel, leaving a lingering impression of minerality.
Produced using the traditional method, with secondary fermentation in the bottle and aging on lees for nine months, this Blanc de Blancs offers a refined mousse and elegant complexity.
Ideal for pairing with seafood, such as oysters and scallops, this sparkling wine also complements light appetizers and fresh salads, enhancing delicate flavors with its crisp acidity.
Whether you're hosting a chic garden party at your Tilal Al Ghaf villa after hitting some birdies at Dubai Hills Golf Club, or celebrating with friends at your MBZ residence in Abu Dhabi after an a long day of work, La Domitienne Blanc de Blancs adds the perfect touch of sophistication. With CityDrinks, this exquisite wine can be delivered to your door in under two hours, ensuring your special moments sparkle with elegance.
La Domitienne
France - Languedoc Roussillon
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Volume: 750 ml
65.00 AED
La Domitienne Blanc de Blancs Mousseux is a sophisticated sparkling wine that showcases the finesse and elegance of traditional French winemaking. Crafted exclusively from Chardonnay grapes, this wine epitomizes the meticulous craftsmanship of Domaine La Domitienne, a producer renowned for its dedication to quality and tradition. Sourced from the Languedoc region in southern France, the wine benefits from the region's Mediterranean climate, resulting in fresh, vibrant characteristics.
On the nose, expect a delicate bouquet of citrus fruits and white flowers, intertwined with subtle hints of brioche. The palate follows with a harmonious blend of green apple, lemon zest, and a creamy undertone, offering a balanced, refreshing experience. The crisp, clean finish, along with its fine, persistent bubbles, adds to the luxurious feel, leaving a lingering impression of minerality.
Produced using the traditional method, with secondary fermentation in the bottle and aging on lees for nine months, this Blanc de Blancs offers a refined mousse and elegant complexity.
Ideal for pairing with seafood, such as oysters and scallops, this sparkling wine also complements light appetizers and fresh salads, enhancing delicate flavors with its crisp acidity.
Whether you're hosting a chic garden party at your Tilal Al Ghaf villa after hitting some birdies at Dubai Hills Golf Club, or celebrating with friends at your MBZ residence in Abu Dhabi after an a long day of work, La Domitienne Blanc de Blancs adds the perfect touch of sophistication. With CityDrinks, this exquisite wine can be delivered to your door in under two hours, ensuring your special moments sparkle with elegance.
Sparkling - Prosecco
La Domitienne
France - Languedoc Roussillon
Grape Variety
Aromas of citrus fruits and white flowers with a hint of green apple.
Fresh and rich with flavors of green apple, pear, and a touch of minerality.
Clean and crisp with fine, persistent bubbles and a refreshing acidity
Containes Sulfites
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