Volume: 1750 ml
La Adelita is a high-end tequila, produced in limited edition from a single estate. It boasts a crisp amber-golden color with deep, silky legs in the glass, signifying its quality and body.
This Tequila Extra Añejo undergoes an aging process of 6 years in second-use American Oak whiskey barrels that are re-toasted in Mexico with a medium toast. This meticulous aging contributes to its unique flavor profile.
The tasting notes of La Adelita Tequila Extra Añejo are quite distinct, featuring a dark chocolate nose that is lightly touched with cherry blossoms. The palate is velvety, abundant in rich butterscotch, and complemented by succulent waves of honeyed heather, sassafras, marzipan, and apricot nectar. This tequila also reveals flavors of sweet milk chocolate and white-peppered orange blossom, arousing the palate and enveloping the senses for a memorable Cognac-like sipping experience.
The production of La Adelita Tequila takes place at the Hacienda La Capilla Distillery, located in the highlands of Los Altos. The single-estate agave plantation is situated at an altitude of 7,290 feet, where the soil is rich in iron, potassium, nitrogen, and calcium. This unique location in the golden triangle area of the Los Altos region, southeast of Guadalajara, contributes to the distinct flavor of La Adelita Tequilas
This amber-toned elixir embodies a wild scent for an unforgettable experience!
Hacienda La Capilla Distillery
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Volume: 1750 ml
28,000.00 AED
La Adelita is a high-end tequila, produced in limited edition from a single estate. It boasts a crisp amber-golden color with deep, silky legs in the glass, signifying its quality and body.
This Tequila Extra Añejo undergoes an aging process of 6 years in second-use American Oak whiskey barrels that are re-toasted in Mexico with a medium toast. This meticulous aging contributes to its unique flavor profile.
The tasting notes of La Adelita Tequila Extra Añejo are quite distinct, featuring a dark chocolate nose that is lightly touched with cherry blossoms. The palate is velvety, abundant in rich butterscotch, and complemented by succulent waves of honeyed heather, sassafras, marzipan, and apricot nectar. This tequila also reveals flavors of sweet milk chocolate and white-peppered orange blossom, arousing the palate and enveloping the senses for a memorable Cognac-like sipping experience.
The production of La Adelita Tequila takes place at the Hacienda La Capilla Distillery, located in the highlands of Los Altos. The single-estate agave plantation is situated at an altitude of 7,290 feet, where the soil is rich in iron, potassium, nitrogen, and calcium. This unique location in the golden triangle area of the Los Altos region, southeast of Guadalajara, contributes to the distinct flavor of La Adelita Tequilas
This amber-toned elixir embodies a wild scent for an unforgettable experience!
Hacienda La Capilla Distillery
Tequila Matchmaker Score
Dark chocolate, honeyed heather, marzipan and orange blossom.
Almond, apricot nectar and notes of white pepper.
Agave and caramelized notes.
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