Volume: 720 ml
Keigetsu Yuzu Sake is a refined sake that brings together the delicate craftsmanship of traditional Japanese brewing with the bright, zesty flavor of yuzu citrus. Made by the Keigetsu Brewery, this sake offers a unique twist on classic sake by infusing it with the tangy, aromatic qualities of yuzu, a citrus fruit commonly used in Japanese cuisine for its vibrant, complex flavor.
The sake is crafted from high-quality rice and pure water, with the yuzu providing a refreshing citrus note that balances the sake’s natural sweetness. It has an alcohol content of around 7%, making it a light, approachable drink suitable for a wide range of occasions. The addition of yuzu gives it a distinctive flavor profile, with a burst of citrus on the nose followed by a smooth, slightly tart finish.
On the nose, Keigetsu Yuzu Sake offers fresh aromas of ripe yuzu citrus, accompanied by subtle hints of floral sweetness and a touch of rice. The palate is crisp and refreshing, with the citrus notes of yuzu leading the way, backed by a gentle sweetness and clean, smooth texture. The finish is light and slightly tart, leaving a refreshing, citrusy aftertaste that lingers pleasantly.
This sake is perfect for sipping chilled, but it can also be used in cocktails to add a unique twist. It pairs exceptionally well with light Japanese dishes such as sushi, sashimi, or tempura, as well as fresh seafood or fruit-based desserts. Its crispness also makes it a great match for spicy Asian cuisine, balancing heat with its refreshing citrus notes.
Whether you're enjoying a quiet evening in Dubai Marina or hosting a gathering in the lively community of Al Zeina, Abu Dhabi, Keigetsu Yuzu Sake adds a refreshing and sophisticated touch to your experience. With CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store, you can have this exceptional sake delivered to your door in just two hours.
Tosa Shuzo
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Volume: 720 ml
95.00 AED
Keigetsu Yuzu Sake is a refined sake that brings together the delicate craftsmanship of traditional Japanese brewing with the bright, zesty flavor of yuzu citrus. Made by the Keigetsu Brewery, this sake offers a unique twist on classic sake by infusing it with the tangy, aromatic qualities of yuzu, a citrus fruit commonly used in Japanese cuisine for its vibrant, complex flavor.
The sake is crafted from high-quality rice and pure water, with the yuzu providing a refreshing citrus note that balances the sake’s natural sweetness. It has an alcohol content of around 7%, making it a light, approachable drink suitable for a wide range of occasions. The addition of yuzu gives it a distinctive flavor profile, with a burst of citrus on the nose followed by a smooth, slightly tart finish.
On the nose, Keigetsu Yuzu Sake offers fresh aromas of ripe yuzu citrus, accompanied by subtle hints of floral sweetness and a touch of rice. The palate is crisp and refreshing, with the citrus notes of yuzu leading the way, backed by a gentle sweetness and clean, smooth texture. The finish is light and slightly tart, leaving a refreshing, citrusy aftertaste that lingers pleasantly.
This sake is perfect for sipping chilled, but it can also be used in cocktails to add a unique twist. It pairs exceptionally well with light Japanese dishes such as sushi, sashimi, or tempura, as well as fresh seafood or fruit-based desserts. Its crispness also makes it a great match for spicy Asian cuisine, balancing heat with its refreshing citrus notes.
Whether you're enjoying a quiet evening in Dubai Marina or hosting a gathering in the lively community of Al Zeina, Abu Dhabi, Keigetsu Yuzu Sake adds a refreshing and sophisticated touch to your experience. With CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store, you can have this exceptional sake delivered to your door in just two hours.
Tosa Shuzo
The aroma is vibrant and refreshing, bursting with bright citrus notes of yuzu, complemented by subtle hints of floral jasmine and a touch of earthy undertones.
The palate delivers a harmonious balance of tartness and sweetness, showcasing the distinct flavors of yuzu alongside soft, creamy rice notes.
The finish is crisp and clean, lingering with a delightful citrus zest that entices the palate to return for another sip.
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