Volume: 330 ml
Kasteel Xtra is a distinctive addition to the Kasteel beer lineup, offering a blend of full flavor with low alcohol content. As a top-fermented blonde beer at 4.5% ABV, Kasteel Xtra is crafted for those seeking a rich beer experience without the high alcohol content. The brewer combines extra tasty malts with a generous dose of bitter and aromatic hops, leading to a pleasantly surprising beer.
Notably, its process of dry hopping and secondary fermentation in the bottle culminates in a refined aftertaste that's hard to forget.
Kasteel Xtra's brewing process is marked by a meticulous blend of malts and a significant dosage of both bitter and aromatic hops. This mix, alongside the techniques of dry hopping and bottle re-fermentation, enhances the beer's flavor profile, offering hints of pink grapefruit, passionfruit, and peach. This careful crafting results in a slightly cloudy, straw yellow beer that stands out in the Kasteel range for its flavor and drinkability.
Brewed by Brouwerij Vanhonsebrouck, Kasteel Xtra joins a long-standing tradition of innovative brewing. The brewery prides itself on its creativity and commitment to introducing unique beers to the market, emphasizing quality, tradition, and innovation. This approach has established the Kasteel brand as a significant player in the Belgian beer culture.
Kasteel Brouwerij Vanhonsebrouck
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Volume: 330 ml
50.00 AED
60.00 AED
Kasteel Xtra is a distinctive addition to the Kasteel beer lineup, offering a blend of full flavor with low alcohol content. As a top-fermented blonde beer at 4.5% ABV, Kasteel Xtra is crafted for those seeking a rich beer experience without the high alcohol content. The brewer combines extra tasty malts with a generous dose of bitter and aromatic hops, leading to a pleasantly surprising beer.
Notably, its process of dry hopping and secondary fermentation in the bottle culminates in a refined aftertaste that's hard to forget.
Kasteel Xtra's brewing process is marked by a meticulous blend of malts and a significant dosage of both bitter and aromatic hops. This mix, alongside the techniques of dry hopping and bottle re-fermentation, enhances the beer's flavor profile, offering hints of pink grapefruit, passionfruit, and peach. This careful crafting results in a slightly cloudy, straw yellow beer that stands out in the Kasteel range for its flavor and drinkability.
Brewed by Brouwerij Vanhonsebrouck, Kasteel Xtra joins a long-standing tradition of innovative brewing. The brewery prides itself on its creativity and commitment to introducing unique beers to the market, emphasizing quality, tradition, and innovation. This approach has established the Kasteel brand as a significant player in the Belgian beer culture.
Belgian Pale Ale
Kasteel Brouwerij Vanhonsebrouck
Bitterness (IBU)
Untappd Rating
A delightful mix of bitter and aromatic hops gives way to hints of pink grapefruit, passionfruit, and peach.
The taste is a harmonious balance of malty sweetness and hoppy bitterness, enhanced by the dry aftertaste from the dry hopping process.
Leaves a pleasant, lingering dryness, encouraging you to savor the moment a bit longer.
Can or Bottle
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