Kamiki Intense Wood Whisky is a distinguished blended malt whisky from Japan, renowned for its unique maturation process in Yoshino Sugi (Japanese Cedar) casks. This second maturation period enhances the whisky's profile, resulting in an intense, woody character that stands out among Japanese whiskies. The meticulous craftsmanship involved in its creation reflects the rich cultural heritage of Nara, Japan's ancient capital and the City of Temples.
Kamiki Intense Wood pours a rich amber color and offers a nose that is an aromatic blend of rich cedarwood, vanilla, toffee, and hints of dark chocolate. On the palate, it unfolds with an opulent and intense character, where the robust woodiness from the Japanese Cedar is complemented by flavors of dark fruits like figs and plums, caramel sweetness, and baking spices. The finish is enduring and luxurious, leaving lingering notes of cedar, dried fruits, and a subtle whisper of smoke.
With an ABV of 48%, Kamiki Intense Wood Whisky delivers a powerful and well-rounded drinking experience, making it a true connoisseur's choice and a testament to the art of Japanese whisky-making.
CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE and based in Abu Dhabi, is proud to offer Kamiki Intense Wood Whisky at the best prices. Our fast delivery service ensures you can enjoy this exceptional whisky at your doorstep within 2 hours. With unmatched quality of service, CityDrinks provides over 250 whisky options and a wide range of other premium spirits available for immediate delivery. Order now and savor the rich, complex flavors of Kamiki Intense Wood Whisky.
Kamiki Whisky
Taha Christensen
The whisky offers a rich and robust flavor profile, with bold notes of cedar and a hint of tobacco and tea. The combination of malt and cinnamon spice adds a layer of complexity that is truly impressive. The finish is long and satisfying, with peppery cedar, brown bread, and honey complemented by lingering wood and spice. A high standard spirit that is definitely worth experiencing for those seeking a tasteful and complex drink.
Edgar Kent
It is a mix of flavorful cedar, tobacco, and spicy joy. Nicely intense with a charming wood and honey finish.
245.00 AED
Kamiki Intense Wood Whisky is a distinguished blended malt whisky from Japan, renowned for its unique maturation process in Yoshino Sugi (Japanese Cedar) casks. This second maturation period enhances the whisky's profile, resulting in an intense, woody character that stands out among Japanese whiskies. The meticulous craftsmanship involved in its creation reflects the rich cultural heritage of Nara, Japan's ancient capital and the City of Temples.
Kamiki Intense Wood pours a rich amber color and offers a nose that is an aromatic blend of rich cedarwood, vanilla, toffee, and hints of dark chocolate. On the palate, it unfolds with an opulent and intense character, where the robust woodiness from the Japanese Cedar is complemented by flavors of dark fruits like figs and plums, caramel sweetness, and baking spices. The finish is enduring and luxurious, leaving lingering notes of cedar, dried fruits, and a subtle whisper of smoke.
With an ABV of 48%, Kamiki Intense Wood Whisky delivers a powerful and well-rounded drinking experience, making it a true connoisseur's choice and a testament to the art of Japanese whisky-making.
CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE and based in Abu Dhabi, is proud to offer Kamiki Intense Wood Whisky at the best prices. Our fast delivery service ensures you can enjoy this exceptional whisky at your doorstep within 2 hours. With unmatched quality of service, CityDrinks provides over 250 whisky options and a wide range of other premium spirits available for immediate delivery. Order now and savor the rich, complex flavors of Kamiki Intense Wood Whisky.
Blended Whisky
Kamiki Whisky
Cask Type
No Age Statement
Whizzky Rating
Rich cedarwood, vanilla, toffee, and dark chocolate.
Robust woodiness, dark fruits (figs and plums), caramel, and baking spices.
Long and luxurious with lingering cedar, dried fruits, and a subtle smoke.
Gift box
Taha Christensen
The whisky offers a rich and robust flavor profile, with bold notes of cedar and a hint of tobacco and tea. The combination of malt and cinnamon spice adds a layer of complexity that is truly impressive. The finish is long and satisfying, with peppery cedar, brown bread, and honey complemented by lingering wood and spice. A high standard spirit that is definitely worth experiencing for those seeking a tasteful and complex drink.
Edgar Kent
It is a mix of flavorful cedar, tobacco, and spicy joy. Nicely intense with a charming wood and honey finish.
Alastair Ware
The cedar-infused palate effortlessly blends tobacco and cinnamon spice. A must-buy eminent drink!
Beatrice Galvan
Falling in love with the intense and flavorful notes, you'll definitely enjoy it 🤩🌲
Chris Kim
I wonder at the bold and intense flavors of Kamiki Intense, where tobacco and cinnamon spice combine together.