Volume: 500 ml
Kamiki Intense Wood Blended Japanese Malt is an exceptional whisky that pays homage to the ancient art of Japanese woodcraft. Crafted using malt whiskies from Japan and beyond, Kamiki’s distinctive character is enhanced through its unique maturation process in Yoshino Sugi (Japanese Cedar) casks, followed by an additional maturation in oak casks. This dual cask maturation process imparts deep, woody complexity and bold flavors, resulting in a whisky that lives up to its name – "Intense Wood." Bottled at 48% ABV, Kamiki Intense Wood is designed for those who appreciate bold, robust whiskies.
On the nose, Kamiki Intense Wood offers rich aromas of cedar, sandalwood, and dark fruits, balanced by hints of vanilla and spice. The palate is full-bodied and layered, with flavors of dried fruit, toasted oak, and earthy cedar, complemented by a touch of honey and warm spices. The finish is long and intense, with lingering notes of wood, spice, and a subtle sweetness that rounds out the bold flavors.
Whether you're enjoying an evening by the water at your villa in Jumeirah Islands Dubai or sipping it in the comfort of your home in Khalifa City Abu Dhabi, Kamiki Intense Wood Blended Japanese Malt brings a bold, complex whisky experience. CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store, ensures this unique Japanese whisky is delivered to your door within just 2 hours, making it perfect for a memorable night.
Kamiki Whisky
Taha Christensen
The whisky offers a rich and robust flavor profile, with bold notes of cedar and a hint of tobacco and tea. The combination of malt and cinnamon spice adds a layer of complexity that is truly impressive. The finish is long and satisfying, with peppery cedar, brown bread, and honey complemented by lingering wood and spice. A high standard spirit that is definitely worth experiencing for those seeking a tasteful and complex drink.
Edgar Kent
It is a mix of flavorful cedar, tobacco, and spicy joy. Nicely intense with a charming wood and honey finish.
Volume: 500 ml
245.00 AED
Kamiki Intense Wood Blended Japanese Malt is an exceptional whisky that pays homage to the ancient art of Japanese woodcraft. Crafted using malt whiskies from Japan and beyond, Kamiki’s distinctive character is enhanced through its unique maturation process in Yoshino Sugi (Japanese Cedar) casks, followed by an additional maturation in oak casks. This dual cask maturation process imparts deep, woody complexity and bold flavors, resulting in a whisky that lives up to its name – "Intense Wood." Bottled at 48% ABV, Kamiki Intense Wood is designed for those who appreciate bold, robust whiskies.
On the nose, Kamiki Intense Wood offers rich aromas of cedar, sandalwood, and dark fruits, balanced by hints of vanilla and spice. The palate is full-bodied and layered, with flavors of dried fruit, toasted oak, and earthy cedar, complemented by a touch of honey and warm spices. The finish is long and intense, with lingering notes of wood, spice, and a subtle sweetness that rounds out the bold flavors.
Whether you're enjoying an evening by the water at your villa in Jumeirah Islands Dubai or sipping it in the comfort of your home in Khalifa City Abu Dhabi, Kamiki Intense Wood Blended Japanese Malt brings a bold, complex whisky experience. CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store, ensures this unique Japanese whisky is delivered to your door within just 2 hours, making it perfect for a memorable night.
Blended Malt
Kamiki Whisky
Cask Type
Japanese Cedar
No Age Statement
Whizzky Rating
Rich and aromatic, with aromas of sandalwood, sweet spices, and dried fruits, complemented by hints of vanilla and oak.
Full-bodied and bold, featuring flavors of rich malt, honey, dark fruits, and intense wood spices, balanced by sweet vanilla and a touch of smoke.
Long and complex, with lingering notes of sandalwood, oak, and a subtle sweetness, leaving a warm, woody aftertaste.
Gift box
Taha Christensen
The whisky offers a rich and robust flavor profile, with bold notes of cedar and a hint of tobacco and tea. The combination of malt and cinnamon spice adds a layer of complexity that is truly impressive. The finish is long and satisfying, with peppery cedar, brown bread, and honey complemented by lingering wood and spice. A high standard spirit that is definitely worth experiencing for those seeking a tasteful and complex drink.
Edgar Kent
It is a mix of flavorful cedar, tobacco, and spicy joy. Nicely intense with a charming wood and honey finish.
Alastair Ware
The cedar-infused palate effortlessly blends tobacco and cinnamon spice. A must-buy eminent drink!
Beatrice Galvan
Falling in love with the intense and flavorful notes, you'll definitely enjoy it 🤩🌲
Chris Kim
I wonder at the bold and intense flavors of Kamiki Intense, where tobacco and cinnamon spice combine together.