Volume: 1000 ml
Kaiserdom Kellerbier, a hidden gem from the cellars of Bavaria, is a delightful surprise for beer aficionados. This unfiltered lager, with its natural cloudiness and rich malt flavors, stands apart in the world of beers. Crafted with the finest ingredients, it offers a glimpse into the authentic, rustic world of German brewing. Each 1 liter can encases the legacy of Bavarian brewing, presenting a beer that's as honest and unrefined as it gets.
Kaiserdom Kellerbier is a dive into the depths of traditional Bavarian brewing. Its amber hue and fluffy white head are just the beginning of a sensory adventure. The taste is a complex blend of malty sweetness balanced with a discreet hoppy bitterness, reminiscent of freshly toasted bread and herbal notes. It's a beer that defies the norm with its unfiltered honesty, making each sip a journey back to the roots of brewing.
Brewed in Bamberg, Germany, a city known for its beer culture, Kaiserdom Kellerbier is a testament to centuries-old brewing traditions. The brewery takes pride in maintaining the authentic Kellerbier style, which involves skipping the filtration process to retain all the original flavors and aromas. This dedication to preserving tradition is evident in every sip, showcasing a commitment to quality and authenticity.
Its malt-forward profile complements grilled meats, sausages, and traditional Bavarian dishes.
Privatbrauerei Kaiserdom
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Volume: 1000 ml
85.00 AED
Kaiserdom Kellerbier, a hidden gem from the cellars of Bavaria, is a delightful surprise for beer aficionados. This unfiltered lager, with its natural cloudiness and rich malt flavors, stands apart in the world of beers. Crafted with the finest ingredients, it offers a glimpse into the authentic, rustic world of German brewing. Each 1 liter can encases the legacy of Bavarian brewing, presenting a beer that's as honest and unrefined as it gets.
Kaiserdom Kellerbier is a dive into the depths of traditional Bavarian brewing. Its amber hue and fluffy white head are just the beginning of a sensory adventure. The taste is a complex blend of malty sweetness balanced with a discreet hoppy bitterness, reminiscent of freshly toasted bread and herbal notes. It's a beer that defies the norm with its unfiltered honesty, making each sip a journey back to the roots of brewing.
Brewed in Bamberg, Germany, a city known for its beer culture, Kaiserdom Kellerbier is a testament to centuries-old brewing traditions. The brewery takes pride in maintaining the authentic Kellerbier style, which involves skipping the filtration process to retain all the original flavors and aromas. This dedication to preserving tradition is evident in every sip, showcasing a commitment to quality and authenticity.
Its malt-forward profile complements grilled meats, sausages, and traditional Bavarian dishes.
Kellerbier / Zwickelbier
Privatbrauerei Kaiserdom
Bitterness (IBU)
Untappd Rating
A blend of malt, fresh bread, and a hint of honey and caramel.
Malty sweetness with notes of caramel and a subtle herbal hop bitterness.
Refreshing with a balanced sweetness and bitterness, leaving a pleasant malty aftertaste.
Can or Bottle
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