Volume: 500 ml
Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin Gold Edition is a luxurious expression of the original Jaisalmer Gin, elevated with an enhanced blend of rare botanicals and a smoother, more refined profile. This gold edition is crafted using traditional copper pot stills and pays homage to India’s rich cultural heritage. With a balanced combination of spices and citrus, the Gold Edition offers an indulgent yet crisp gin experience, perfect for those who enjoy a more sophisticated sip.
Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin Gold Edition features the signature juniper-forward profile of the original gin, elevated by the subtle sweetness of orange peel and earthy warmth from Indian spices like black pepper and cubeb. Vetiver adds freshness, while coriander and cardamom provide depth. At 43% ABV, this edition has a smooth finish with an enhanced botanical richness, making it ideal for sipping neat or in cocktails.
This gin pairs wonderfully with premium tonic water, garnished with a slice of orange or a twist of lime for an extra burst of citrus. It also excels in classic cocktails like martinis and negronis, where its complex botanical profile can truly shine. For a more exotic serve, try it in a gimlet or with soda and fresh mint.
Whether you're enjoying a sophisticated gin martini in Dubai’s DIFC or sipping a refreshing gin and tonic in Abu Dhabi’s Al Bandar, the Gold Edition of Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin brings a touch of luxury and refinement to your drink. With CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, this premium gin can be delivered to your door in under two hours, ensuring you’re always ready to enjoy it.
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Volume: 500 ml
120.00 AED
140.00 AED
Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin Gold Edition is a luxurious expression of the original Jaisalmer Gin, elevated with an enhanced blend of rare botanicals and a smoother, more refined profile. This gold edition is crafted using traditional copper pot stills and pays homage to India’s rich cultural heritage. With a balanced combination of spices and citrus, the Gold Edition offers an indulgent yet crisp gin experience, perfect for those who enjoy a more sophisticated sip.
Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin Gold Edition features the signature juniper-forward profile of the original gin, elevated by the subtle sweetness of orange peel and earthy warmth from Indian spices like black pepper and cubeb. Vetiver adds freshness, while coriander and cardamom provide depth. At 43% ABV, this edition has a smooth finish with an enhanced botanical richness, making it ideal for sipping neat or in cocktails.
This gin pairs wonderfully with premium tonic water, garnished with a slice of orange or a twist of lime for an extra burst of citrus. It also excels in classic cocktails like martinis and negronis, where its complex botanical profile can truly shine. For a more exotic serve, try it in a gimlet or with soda and fresh mint.
Whether you're enjoying a sophisticated gin martini in Dubai’s DIFC or sipping a refreshing gin and tonic in Abu Dhabi’s Al Bandar, the Gold Edition of Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin brings a touch of luxury and refinement to your drink. With CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, this premium gin can be delivered to your door in under two hours, ensuring you’re always ready to enjoy it.
Aromatic juniper with hints of citrus and spice.
Smooth and well-balanced, with notes of coriander, orange peel, and exotic spices.
Lingering warmth with a refreshing burst of citrus zest.
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