Volume: 330 ml
Heineken beer is one of the world's most iconic and widely recognized lagers, known for its consistent quality and refreshing taste since 1873. Brewed with the utmost care and dedication to premium ingredients, Heineken's signature green bottle, red star, and distinct flavor make it a favorite among beer enthusiasts globally.
Heineken's brewing process involves the use of three main ingredients: barley, hops, and water. The unique Heineken A-Yeast® is then added to ferment the beer, creating its characteristic fruity notes and mild, softly bitter finish. The result is a golden yellow lager with a perfectly balanced richness in taste, ensuring every sip is as satisfying as the last.
CityDrinks, the premier online liquor store in the UAE and based in Abu Dhabi, proudly offers Heineken beer. Our extremely fast delivery service ensures you can enjoy your favorite beverages within 30 minutes to 2 hours, reflecting how valuable your time is. With unmatched quality of service and a unique customer experience, CityDrinks provides over 200 beer options across 14 beer styles available for immediate delivery. Order now and discover the refreshing taste of Heineken.
Light bodied but with good malty cereal and banana chew fruity yeast. Great balance between fruit and hop bitterness.
Volume: 330 ml
27.50 AED
35.00 AED / 1x
Heineken beer is one of the world's most iconic and widely recognized lagers, known for its consistent quality and refreshing taste since 1873. Brewed with the utmost care and dedication to premium ingredients, Heineken's signature green bottle, red star, and distinct flavor make it a favorite among beer enthusiasts globally.
Heineken's brewing process involves the use of three main ingredients: barley, hops, and water. The unique Heineken A-Yeast® is then added to ferment the beer, creating its characteristic fruity notes and mild, softly bitter finish. The result is a golden yellow lager with a perfectly balanced richness in taste, ensuring every sip is as satisfying as the last.
CityDrinks, the premier online liquor store in the UAE and based in Abu Dhabi, proudly offers Heineken beer. Our extremely fast delivery service ensures you can enjoy your favorite beverages within 30 minutes to 2 hours, reflecting how valuable your time is. With unmatched quality of service and a unique customer experience, CityDrinks provides over 200 beer options across 14 beer styles available for immediate delivery. Order now and discover the refreshing taste of Heineken.
European Pale Lager
Bitterness (IBU)
Untappd Rating
Malted biscuits and a hint of skunkiness with subtle fruity notes.
Mild biscuit-like malt sweetness, complemented by notes of citrus.
Light and refreshing, with a balanced hoppy aftertaste.
Can or Bottle
Light bodied but with good malty cereal and banana chew fruity yeast. Great balance between fruit and hop bitterness.