Volume: 330 ml
Hop House 13 Lager is a distinctive golden lager brewed by Guinness's Brewers Project, combining the rich brewing heritage of Guinness with a modern twist. Named after a 100-year-old hop store building at St. James's Gate Brewery in Dublin, this lager offers a unique blend of flavors.
This double-hopped lager is brewed with Guinness yeast, Irish barley, and a selection of hops from Australia and the USA, including Galaxy, Topaz, and Mosaic varieties. It boasts a fruity aroma with hints of apricot and peach, leading to a crisp and full-flavored taste that is hoppy yet not overly bitter, finishing with a malty sweetness.
Guinness Hop House 13 Lager pairs exceptionally well with a variety of dishes, including grilled meats, spicy foods, and mature cheeses. Its fruity notes and crisp finish complement the rich flavors of these foods, enhancing the overall dining experience.
CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store, ensures that Hop House 13 Lager reaches your door within 2 hours, perfectly chilled and ready for your enjoyment. Whether you’re hosting a rooftop gathering in Downtown Dubai, or enjoying a relaxing evening in Khalifa City Abu Dhabi, Guiness Hop House 13 Lager adds a touch of innovative brewing to any occasion.
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Volume: 330 ml
47.50 AED
Hop House 13 Lager is a distinctive golden lager brewed by Guinness's Brewers Project, combining the rich brewing heritage of Guinness with a modern twist. Named after a 100-year-old hop store building at St. James's Gate Brewery in Dublin, this lager offers a unique blend of flavors.
This double-hopped lager is brewed with Guinness yeast, Irish barley, and a selection of hops from Australia and the USA, including Galaxy, Topaz, and Mosaic varieties. It boasts a fruity aroma with hints of apricot and peach, leading to a crisp and full-flavored taste that is hoppy yet not overly bitter, finishing with a malty sweetness.
Guinness Hop House 13 Lager pairs exceptionally well with a variety of dishes, including grilled meats, spicy foods, and mature cheeses. Its fruity notes and crisp finish complement the rich flavors of these foods, enhancing the overall dining experience.
CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store, ensures that Hop House 13 Lager reaches your door within 2 hours, perfectly chilled and ready for your enjoyment. Whether you’re hosting a rooftop gathering in Downtown Dubai, or enjoying a relaxing evening in Khalifa City Abu Dhabi, Guiness Hop House 13 Lager adds a touch of innovative brewing to any occasion.
European Pale Lager
Bitterness (IBU)
Untappd Rating
The nose presents a captivating bouquet with robust notes of floral hops and a touch of citrus zest.
On the palate, it reveals a smooth and balanced flavor profile.
The finish is bold and lingering, leaving a delightful aftertaste.
Can or Bottle
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