Volume: 330 ml
Grimbergen Tripel, also known as Grimbergen Triple d’Abbaye, is a classic Belgian Tripel crafted by Brouwerij Alken-Maes. At 9% ABV, this full-bodied golden ale showcases a complex blend of flavors with notes of coriander, clove, and floral elements. The beer’s aromatic richness is further enhanced by a balance of sweetness, bitterness, and a subtle acidity. The inclusion of coriander adds depth and refinement, while its high carbonation and smooth texture make it refreshing and flavorful.
Grimbergen Tripel pairs wonderfully with dishes that have bold flavors, such as blue cheese, seafood, and pork, accentuating both the beer's fruity and spicy character and the meal's richness.
Whether you’re hosting a gathering in Dubai Marina Dubai or enjoying an evening with friends in Al Maqtaa Abu Dhabi, Grimbergen Tripel adds an elegant Belgian touch to your event. Order now from CityDrinks and enjoy delivery within two hours.
Brouwerij Alken-Maes
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Volume: 330 ml
55.00 AED
Grimbergen Tripel, also known as Grimbergen Triple d’Abbaye, is a classic Belgian Tripel crafted by Brouwerij Alken-Maes. At 9% ABV, this full-bodied golden ale showcases a complex blend of flavors with notes of coriander, clove, and floral elements. The beer’s aromatic richness is further enhanced by a balance of sweetness, bitterness, and a subtle acidity. The inclusion of coriander adds depth and refinement, while its high carbonation and smooth texture make it refreshing and flavorful.
Grimbergen Tripel pairs wonderfully with dishes that have bold flavors, such as blue cheese, seafood, and pork, accentuating both the beer's fruity and spicy character and the meal's richness.
Whether you’re hosting a gathering in Dubai Marina Dubai or enjoying an evening with friends in Al Maqtaa Abu Dhabi, Grimbergen Tripel adds an elegant Belgian touch to your event. Order now from CityDrinks and enjoy delivery within two hours.
Brouwerij Alken-Maes
Bitterness (IBU)
Untappd Rating
The aroma is a blend of bittersweetness with a hint of spice, courtesy of the blonde candy sugar and hop varieties.
A rich tapestry of flavors, marked by its spiciness, and the sweet and bitter interplay from the malts and hops.
The aftertaste is notably round and harmonious, leaving a lasting impression of the beer's complexity and balance.
Can or Bottle
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