Volume: 1000 ml
Fernet-Branca is a renowned Italian amaro, celebrated for its intense and complex flavor profile. First produced in 1845 by Bernardino Branca in Milan, this herbal liqueur is crafted from a closely guarded recipe that includes 27 herbs and spices sourced from around the globe, including ingredients like rhubarb, chamomile, and myrrh. With an alcohol by volume (ABV) of 39% to 40%, Fernet-Branca is known for its distinctly bitter and mentholated taste, making it a favorite among bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts.
The bold flavors of Fernet-Branca can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or as a mixer in various cocktails. It is particularly popular in Argentina, where it is commonly served mixed with cola, known as "Fernet con Coca". The liqueur's unique taste makes it a fantastic addition to cocktails such as the Fernet Sour or the classic Hanky Panky, showcasing its versatility beyond just a digestif.
Fernet-Branca's rich history and distinctive flavor have made it an essential ingredient in many bars around the world. Whether you're enjoying an upscale dinner in Bluewaters Island Dubai or a casual gathering in Golf Gardens Abu Dhabi, CityDrinks ensures that Fernet-Branca Amaro Liqueur can be delivered to your door in under two hours. As the leading online liquor store in the UAE, CityDrinks guarantees quick access to this unique and bold liqueur for any occasion.
Fernet Branca
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Volume: 1000 ml
105.00 AED
Fernet-Branca is a renowned Italian amaro, celebrated for its intense and complex flavor profile. First produced in 1845 by Bernardino Branca in Milan, this herbal liqueur is crafted from a closely guarded recipe that includes 27 herbs and spices sourced from around the globe, including ingredients like rhubarb, chamomile, and myrrh. With an alcohol by volume (ABV) of 39% to 40%, Fernet-Branca is known for its distinctly bitter and mentholated taste, making it a favorite among bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts.
The bold flavors of Fernet-Branca can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or as a mixer in various cocktails. It is particularly popular in Argentina, where it is commonly served mixed with cola, known as "Fernet con Coca". The liqueur's unique taste makes it a fantastic addition to cocktails such as the Fernet Sour or the classic Hanky Panky, showcasing its versatility beyond just a digestif.
Fernet-Branca's rich history and distinctive flavor have made it an essential ingredient in many bars around the world. Whether you're enjoying an upscale dinner in Bluewaters Island Dubai or a casual gathering in Golf Gardens Abu Dhabi, CityDrinks ensures that Fernet-Branca Amaro Liqueur can be delivered to your door in under two hours. As the leading online liquor store in the UAE, CityDrinks guarantees quick access to this unique and bold liqueur for any occasion.
Fernet Branca
A rich tapestry of coffee bean, dark chocolate, and medicinal herbs, laced with an earthy bitterness.
A bold burst of bitterness, balanced by warm notes of ginger, raisins, and a mélange of spices.
A lingering aftertaste that leaves a spicy, medicinal impression, true to its roots.
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