Volume: 200 ml
Fentimans Ginger Beer is a true classic, known for its fiery kick and rich complexity. First created in 1905, this beverage is made using the traditional method of botanical brewing. The process involves fermenting the finest Chinese ginger root with pear juice concentrate and a blend of herbal infusions like juniper and yarrow, resulting in a ginger beer that’s bold, refreshing, and full of flavor.
With a nose dominated by the sharp aroma of ginger, the palate offers an intense spicy ginger flavor, balanced by a touch of sweetness from the natural sugars. The finish is long and warming, with hints of lemon and capsicum adding to the depth and complexity.
Fentimans Ginger Beer is perfect for sipping on its own or as a mixer in classic cocktails like the Moscow Mule. Whether you're enjoying a laid-back afternoon in Dubai’s Jumeirah Islands or gathering friends for a rooftop party in Abu Dhabi’s Saadiyat Island, this fiery ginger beer is sure to impress. Order now from CityDrinks for fast, two-hour delivery.
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Volume: 200 ml
10.00 AED
Fentimans Ginger Beer is a true classic, known for its fiery kick and rich complexity. First created in 1905, this beverage is made using the traditional method of botanical brewing. The process involves fermenting the finest Chinese ginger root with pear juice concentrate and a blend of herbal infusions like juniper and yarrow, resulting in a ginger beer that’s bold, refreshing, and full of flavor.
With a nose dominated by the sharp aroma of ginger, the palate offers an intense spicy ginger flavor, balanced by a touch of sweetness from the natural sugars. The finish is long and warming, with hints of lemon and capsicum adding to the depth and complexity.
Fentimans Ginger Beer is perfect for sipping on its own or as a mixer in classic cocktails like the Moscow Mule. Whether you're enjoying a laid-back afternoon in Dubai’s Jumeirah Islands or gathering friends for a rooftop party in Abu Dhabi’s Saadiyat Island, this fiery ginger beer is sure to impress. Order now from CityDrinks for fast, two-hour delivery.
Fresh and characteristically ginger aroma, complemented by light citrus notes.
A complex blend of spice, boldness, and sweetness, with an infusion of herbal notes.
A spicy aftertaste that lingers on the tongue, thanks to its capsicum flavoring.
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