Volume: 250 ml
Elevate your sangria experience with EXO Vodka Sangria Mix, a bold and refreshing blend of premium red wine and vodka, infused with a selection of fruits and spices. With an ABV of 18%, this 250ml ready-to-drink cocktail offers a smooth balance of rich red wine flavors, citrus freshness, and subtle spice undertones, making it the perfect drink for any occasion.
This unique combination of vodka and sangria delivers a vibrant and flavorful cocktail that’s ready to be enjoyed at home, outdoor gatherings, or casual get-togethers. Whether you're enjoying a relaxed evening in Jumeirah Beach Residence Dubai or hosting a lively gathering in Al Raha Beach Abu Dhabi, EXO Vodka Sangria Mix provides a delicious, easy-to-serve option.
With CityDrinks, you can have this premium cocktail delivered to your door within just 2 hours, ensuring you're always prepared to impress your guests.
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Volume: 250 ml
50.00 AED
Elevate your sangria experience with EXO Vodka Sangria Mix, a bold and refreshing blend of premium red wine and vodka, infused with a selection of fruits and spices. With an ABV of 18%, this 250ml ready-to-drink cocktail offers a smooth balance of rich red wine flavors, citrus freshness, and subtle spice undertones, making it the perfect drink for any occasion.
This unique combination of vodka and sangria delivers a vibrant and flavorful cocktail that’s ready to be enjoyed at home, outdoor gatherings, or casual get-togethers. Whether you're enjoying a relaxed evening in Jumeirah Beach Residence Dubai or hosting a lively gathering in Al Raha Beach Abu Dhabi, EXO Vodka Sangria Mix provides a delicious, easy-to-serve option.
With CityDrinks, you can have this premium cocktail delivered to your door within just 2 hours, ensuring you're always prepared to impress your guests.
Aromatic blend of red wine, citrus, and spice.
Rich red wine flavors with a burst of citrus freshness and subtle spice undertones.
Smooth and lingering, with a refreshing fruitiness and a hint of vodka warmth.
Can or Bottle
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