Volume: 250 ml
Estrella Galicia Especial is a premium lager from Grupo Estrella Galicia, brewed in Spain with a rich heritage dating back to 1906. This golden beer offers a crisp, refreshing taste with an ABV of 5.5%. Its well-balanced profile combines subtle malty sweetness with a mild hop bitterness, creating a smooth yet flavorful lager perfect for any occasion.
The beer pours with a clear golden color and a light, foamy head. Its aroma is a harmonious blend of fresh grains, a hint of floral hops, and a touch of citrus zest. On the palate, Estrella Galicia Especial delivers a delicate malt flavor, complemented by soft hop bitterness and a clean, crisp finish. This makes it an ideal choice for pairing with a variety of dishes, from tapas and seafood to grilled meats and sharp cheeses.
CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store, ensures that Estrella Galicia Especial reaches your door within 2 hours, perfectly chilled and ready for your enjoyment. Whether you’re relaxing at Dubai Marina or enjoying a dinner with friends in Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, Estrella Galicia Especial adds a touch of Spanish charm to any gathering.
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Volume: 250 ml
57.50 AED
Estrella Galicia Especial is a premium lager from Grupo Estrella Galicia, brewed in Spain with a rich heritage dating back to 1906. This golden beer offers a crisp, refreshing taste with an ABV of 5.5%. Its well-balanced profile combines subtle malty sweetness with a mild hop bitterness, creating a smooth yet flavorful lager perfect for any occasion.
The beer pours with a clear golden color and a light, foamy head. Its aroma is a harmonious blend of fresh grains, a hint of floral hops, and a touch of citrus zest. On the palate, Estrella Galicia Especial delivers a delicate malt flavor, complemented by soft hop bitterness and a clean, crisp finish. This makes it an ideal choice for pairing with a variety of dishes, from tapas and seafood to grilled meats and sharp cheeses.
CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store, ensures that Estrella Galicia Especial reaches your door within 2 hours, perfectly chilled and ready for your enjoyment. Whether you’re relaxing at Dubai Marina or enjoying a dinner with friends in Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, Estrella Galicia Especial adds a touch of Spanish charm to any gathering.
European Pale Lager
Bitterness (IBU)
Untappd Rating
Aromas of fresh grains, floral hops, and a hint of citrus zest.
Delicate malt sweetness balanced by mild hop bitterness, offering a smooth and clean mouthfeel.
Crisp and refreshing with a light hop bitterness that lingers softly.
Can or Bottle
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