Volume: 750 ml
Dimple 15 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky is an iconic whisky with a long history, crafted by John Haig & Co., which is part of Diageo. First introduced in 1890, Dimple is known for its unique, dimpled bottle design wrapped in gold netting, making it as visually appealing as it is delicious. This 15-year-old expression is a refined blend of over 30 malt and grain whiskies, with Glenkinchie being one of the primary malts in the mix.
On the nose, Dimple 15 offers a delicate combination of floral notes, toffee, and a hint of woody spices, underscored by light acidity and fruity notes like prunes. The palate delivers a medium-bodied experience with flavors of butterscotch, plums, and citrus, alongside a touch of earl grey tea and honey. A light spicy pepper note adds depth, and the whisky finishes with soft, lingering notes of caramel and roasted peanuts, though the finish is relatively short.
Matured for 15 years in oak casks, this whisky achieves a balanced complexity and smoothness, making it perfect for both casual sipping and special occasions. Best enjoyed neat or on the rocks, Dimple 15’s approachable flavor profile also makes it suitable for whisky cocktails like the Rob Roy.
Whether you’re enjoying a sophisticated evening in Business Bay Dubai or sharing a special moment in Saadiyat Island Abu Dhabi, Dimple 15 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky offers an elegant and timeless Scotch experience. With CityDrinks, this refined whisky can be delivered to your door within just 2 hours.
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Volume: 750 ml
145.00 AED
Dimple 15 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky is an iconic whisky with a long history, crafted by John Haig & Co., which is part of Diageo. First introduced in 1890, Dimple is known for its unique, dimpled bottle design wrapped in gold netting, making it as visually appealing as it is delicious. This 15-year-old expression is a refined blend of over 30 malt and grain whiskies, with Glenkinchie being one of the primary malts in the mix.
On the nose, Dimple 15 offers a delicate combination of floral notes, toffee, and a hint of woody spices, underscored by light acidity and fruity notes like prunes. The palate delivers a medium-bodied experience with flavors of butterscotch, plums, and citrus, alongside a touch of earl grey tea and honey. A light spicy pepper note adds depth, and the whisky finishes with soft, lingering notes of caramel and roasted peanuts, though the finish is relatively short.
Matured for 15 years in oak casks, this whisky achieves a balanced complexity and smoothness, making it perfect for both casual sipping and special occasions. Best enjoyed neat or on the rocks, Dimple 15’s approachable flavor profile also makes it suitable for whisky cocktails like the Rob Roy.
Whether you’re enjoying a sophisticated evening in Business Bay Dubai or sharing a special moment in Saadiyat Island Abu Dhabi, Dimple 15 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky offers an elegant and timeless Scotch experience. With CityDrinks, this refined whisky can be delivered to your door within just 2 hours.
Blended Whisky
Cask Type
American (White) Oak
15 Years Old
Whizzky Rating
Notes of spices, caramel
Soft, notes of honey, caramel, hints of smoke, barley malt, oak
Long lasting, notes of oak
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