Volume: 750 ml
Pasqua Mater Anna Pinot Grigio Rosé is an elegant and refreshing wine, crafted from carefully selected Pinot Grigio grapes sourced from the renowned delle Venezie region in Veneto, Italy. This single vineyard rosé is celebrated for its delicate yet vibrant character, offering a fresh bouquet of red berries, floral hints, and pear and apricot notes. Its light pink hue and crisp acidity create a lively palate that finishes with refreshing citrus undertones.
The winemaking process involves cold fermentation in stainless steel tanks, ensuring the wine retains its natural fruitiness and freshness. This meticulous production process allows the wine’s vibrant flavors to shine, while maintaining its signature clean finish.
Founded in 1925, Pasqua Vigneti e Cantine has a rich history of producing high-quality wines that reflect the unique terroir of Veneto. Known for its innovative approach and commitment to quality, the winery has earned a solid reputation among wine enthusiasts globally.
Pasqua Mater Anna Pinot Grigio Rosé pairs wonderfully with seafood, light salads, and grilled vegetables. Whether you're enjoying a sunset gathering in Dubai’s The Meadows or hosting a sophisticated dinner in Abu Dhabi’s Al Raha Gardens, this versatile rosé is perfect for any occasion. Order from CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, with fast, two-hour delivery.
Pasqua Vigneti e Cantine
Italy North - Veneto
Volume: 750 ml
42.50 AED
Pasqua Mater Anna Pinot Grigio Rosé is an elegant and refreshing wine, crafted from carefully selected Pinot Grigio grapes sourced from the renowned delle Venezie region in Veneto, Italy. This single vineyard rosé is celebrated for its delicate yet vibrant character, offering a fresh bouquet of red berries, floral hints, and pear and apricot notes. Its light pink hue and crisp acidity create a lively palate that finishes with refreshing citrus undertones.
The winemaking process involves cold fermentation in stainless steel tanks, ensuring the wine retains its natural fruitiness and freshness. This meticulous production process allows the wine’s vibrant flavors to shine, while maintaining its signature clean finish.
Founded in 1925, Pasqua Vigneti e Cantine has a rich history of producing high-quality wines that reflect the unique terroir of Veneto. Known for its innovative approach and commitment to quality, the winery has earned a solid reputation among wine enthusiasts globally.
Pasqua Mater Anna Pinot Grigio Rosé pairs wonderfully with seafood, light salads, and grilled vegetables. Whether you're enjoying a sunset gathering in Dubai’s The Meadows or hosting a sophisticated dinner in Abu Dhabi’s Al Raha Gardens, this versatile rosé is perfect for any occasion. Order from CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, with fast, two-hour delivery.
Rosé Wine
Pasqua Vigneti e Cantine
Italy North - Veneto
Grape Variety
Pinot Grigio
New Vintage
Vivino rating
The nose is greeted with delicate aromas of red berries and floral hints.
The palate unfolds crisp notes of citrus and stone fruit.
The finish is lingering, clean and refreshing.
Contains sulfites