Volume: 330 ml
Coca-Cola is an iconic soft drink known and loved worldwide, offering a refreshing taste that’s instantly recognizable. Since its introduction over a century ago, Coca-Cola has remained a favorite for generations, with its balanced blend of sweetness and effervescence. Made from a signature mix of ingredients, Coca-Cola delivers a delightful experience that’s perfect for any occasion.
Coca-Cola pairs wonderfully with a wide variety of foods, from classic burgers and fries to spicy tacos and pizza. Its sweetness and carbonation balance savory and spicy dishes, making it an ideal choice for family meals, parties, or just a moment of refreshment.
Whether you're savoring a cozy night at home in Business Bay Dubai, or celebrating with friends at Al Reem Island Abu Dhabi, Coca-Cola brings a familiar and uplifting experience to every occasion. Choose Coca-Cola to add a sparkling touch to your day, no matter where you are.
The Coca-Cola Company
Volume: 330 ml
21.50 AED
Coca-Cola is an iconic soft drink known and loved worldwide, offering a refreshing taste that’s instantly recognizable. Since its introduction over a century ago, Coca-Cola has remained a favorite for generations, with its balanced blend of sweetness and effervescence. Made from a signature mix of ingredients, Coca-Cola delivers a delightful experience that’s perfect for any occasion.
Coca-Cola pairs wonderfully with a wide variety of foods, from classic burgers and fries to spicy tacos and pizza. Its sweetness and carbonation balance savory and spicy dishes, making it an ideal choice for family meals, parties, or just a moment of refreshment.
Whether you're savoring a cozy night at home in Business Bay Dubai, or celebrating with friends at Al Reem Island Abu Dhabi, Coca-Cola brings a familiar and uplifting experience to every occasion. Choose Coca-Cola to add a sparkling touch to your day, no matter where you are.
The Coca-Cola Company
United Arab Emirates
Hints of caramel, citrus, and spices, creating an inviting fragrance.
A blend of sweetness and slight acidity, complemented by subtle notes of vanilla and cinnamon.
Clean, leaving a lasting taste of caramel and a slight hint of citrus zest.