Volume: 750 ml
Viña Chocalán's Reserva Sauvignon Blanc is a refreshing white wine from Chile's Maipo Valley. This wine is renowned for its vibrant and zesty character, featuring aromas of citrus fruits like grapefruit and lime, along with subtle hints of green apple and fresh herbs. On the palate, it delivers a crisp acidity and a clean, mineral finish, making it an excellent representation of Chilean Sauvignon Blanc.
The Reserva Sauvignon Blanc Wine is crafted from grapes grown in the Maipo Valley, where the unique combination of climate and soil contributes to the wine's distinctive profile. The grapes are harvested at optimal ripeness to preserve their fresh, fruity flavors. The winemaking process involves fermentation in stainless steel tanks at controlled temperatures.
Viña Chocalán, established in 1998, is a family-owned winery known for its dedication to producing high-quality wines that reflect the unique terroir of its vineyards. The winery's sustainable practices and innovative techniques have earned it a strong reputation in the Chilean wine industry.
This versatile Sauvignon Blanc pairs wonderfully with a variety of dishes. It is an excellent match for seafood, salads, and light poultry dishes.
Viña Chocalán
Chile - Central Valley
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Volume: 750 ml
27.50 AED
40.00 AED / 1x
Viña Chocalán's Reserva Sauvignon Blanc is a refreshing white wine from Chile's Maipo Valley. This wine is renowned for its vibrant and zesty character, featuring aromas of citrus fruits like grapefruit and lime, along with subtle hints of green apple and fresh herbs. On the palate, it delivers a crisp acidity and a clean, mineral finish, making it an excellent representation of Chilean Sauvignon Blanc.
The Reserva Sauvignon Blanc Wine is crafted from grapes grown in the Maipo Valley, where the unique combination of climate and soil contributes to the wine's distinctive profile. The grapes are harvested at optimal ripeness to preserve their fresh, fruity flavors. The winemaking process involves fermentation in stainless steel tanks at controlled temperatures.
Viña Chocalán, established in 1998, is a family-owned winery known for its dedication to producing high-quality wines that reflect the unique terroir of its vineyards. The winery's sustainable practices and innovative techniques have earned it a strong reputation in the Chilean wine industry.
This versatile Sauvignon Blanc pairs wonderfully with a variety of dishes. It is an excellent match for seafood, salads, and light poultry dishes.
White Medium-Bodied
Viña Chocalán
Chile - Central Valley
Grape Variety
Sauvignon Blanc
Vivino rating
Aromas of grapefruit, lime, green apple, and fresh herbs.
Crisp and refreshing, with citrus and green apple flavors balanced by a clean, mineral finish.
Long and zesty, leaving a refreshing aftertaste.
Contains sulfites
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