Volume: 750 ml
Maison Champy Vosne-Romanée is a refined and expressive red wine from the prestigious Vosne-Romanée appellation in Burgundy, France. Crafted with utmost care and tradition, this 100% Pinot Noir is celebrated for its elegance, depth, and layered complexity. Known for its finesse and long aging potential, Maison Champy Vosne-Romanée offers a true taste of Burgundy’s terroir, perfect for special occasions and collectors.
On the nose, this wine reveals aromas of red cherry, raspberry, and wild strawberry, complemented by floral notes, subtle spice, and a hint of earthy minerality. The palate is smooth and well-balanced, featuring flavors of red fruit, gentle oak, and fine tannins that lead to a long, graceful finish. Its complexity and structure make it an ideal wine for pairing and aging.
Maison Champy pairs beautifully with duck, lamb, or truffle-infused dishes, bringing a touch of French sophistication to your table.
Whether savoring Maison Champy Vosne-Romanée in The Springs Dubai or on Al Forsan Village Abu Dhabi, let CityDrinks—the UAE’s leading online liquor store—deliver this exquisite Burgundy wine to your door within 2 hours, adding elegance to your next gathering.
Maison Champy
France - Bourgogne
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Volume: 750 ml
387.50 AED
Maison Champy Vosne-Romanée is a refined and expressive red wine from the prestigious Vosne-Romanée appellation in Burgundy, France. Crafted with utmost care and tradition, this 100% Pinot Noir is celebrated for its elegance, depth, and layered complexity. Known for its finesse and long aging potential, Maison Champy Vosne-Romanée offers a true taste of Burgundy’s terroir, perfect for special occasions and collectors.
On the nose, this wine reveals aromas of red cherry, raspberry, and wild strawberry, complemented by floral notes, subtle spice, and a hint of earthy minerality. The palate is smooth and well-balanced, featuring flavors of red fruit, gentle oak, and fine tannins that lead to a long, graceful finish. Its complexity and structure make it an ideal wine for pairing and aging.
Maison Champy pairs beautifully with duck, lamb, or truffle-infused dishes, bringing a touch of French sophistication to your table.
Whether savoring Maison Champy Vosne-Romanée in The Springs Dubai or on Al Forsan Village Abu Dhabi, let CityDrinks—the UAE’s leading online liquor store—deliver this exquisite Burgundy wine to your door within 2 hours, adding elegance to your next gathering.
Red Medium-Bodied
Maison Champy
France - Bourgogne
Grape Variety
Pinot Noir
Vivino rating
The nose unveils aromas of ripe red berries, violet petals, and subtle earthy undertones.
The palate unveils silky texture with layers of cherry, raspberry, and exotic spices.
The finish is elegant and persistent, with fine-grained tannins and a lingering mineral essence.
Contains sulfites
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