Volume: 750 ml
Renowned for its delicate pink hue and lively acidity, this rosé stands out in its category for its balance and versatility.
Its aromas of fresh berries, citrus zest, and floral notes captivate the senses, while its crisp palate delights with flavours of strawberries, raspberries, and hints of herbs. It offers a delightful contrast to similar wines with its distinctively bright and fruit-forward profile, setting it apart as a quintessential expression of Veneto rosé.
Cecilia Beretta is located in the Veneto region of Italy, where a rich winemaking tradition meets modern innovation. With a history dating back centuries, the estate is renowned for its commitment to sustainable viticulture and winemaking practices.
This rosé pairs beautifully with a variety of dishes, including seafood, salads, grilled vegetables, and light pasta dishes.
Cecilia Beretta
Italy North - Veneto
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Volume: 750 ml
65.00 AED
Renowned for its delicate pink hue and lively acidity, this rosé stands out in its category for its balance and versatility.
Its aromas of fresh berries, citrus zest, and floral notes captivate the senses, while its crisp palate delights with flavours of strawberries, raspberries, and hints of herbs. It offers a delightful contrast to similar wines with its distinctively bright and fruit-forward profile, setting it apart as a quintessential expression of Veneto rosé.
Cecilia Beretta is located in the Veneto region of Italy, where a rich winemaking tradition meets modern innovation. With a history dating back centuries, the estate is renowned for its commitment to sustainable viticulture and winemaking practices.
This rosé pairs beautifully with a variety of dishes, including seafood, salads, grilled vegetables, and light pasta dishes.
Rosé Wine
Cecilia Beretta
Italy North - Veneto
Grape Variety
Blend composition
Carménère, Cabernet Sauvignon, Corvina
Vivino rating
The nose reveals delicate aromas of fresh berries, citrus zest, and floral notes.
The palate is crisp and lively, with flavours of strawberries, raspberries, and hints of herbs.
The finish is clean and refreshing, with a lingering finish of ripe fruit and vibrant acidity.
Contains sulfites
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