Volume: 750 ml
Carbon Blanc de Blancs Champagne is a luxurious, sparkling creation that embodies the essence of sophistication in every sip. Made exclusively from 100% Chardonnay Grand Cru grapes, this Blanc de Blancs represents the pinnacle of champagne craftsmanship, offering a sensory experience unlike any other. Known for its innovative design, each bottle is wrapped in carbon fiber, reminiscent of the craftsmanship seen in Bugatti supercars, making it not just a drink, but a work of art.
This 2015 vintage boasts a creamy, velvety texture that caresses the palate with honeyed notes, accompanied by a dynamic interplay of Granny Smith apple, green citrus, and a savory finish of chalk powder and lemony graphite undertones. Each sip is a luxurious voyage, delivering freshness and elegance that lingers.
Recognized for its exceptional quality, Carbon Blanc de Blancs 2015 was awarded an impressive 93/100 by the International Wine and Spirits Competition, further establishing its place among the world’s finest champagnes. This vintage, from the Grande Montagne de Reims and Côte des Blancs, comes from a remarkable solar year in Champagne, with six years of aging on lees, a true testament to Carbon’s commitment to tradition and perfection.
This champagne excels at both fine dining and exclusive celebrations. Imagine popping a bottle at a glamorous penthouse party in Bulgari Residences Dubai, or sipping it at an elegant gathering in Al Maryah Island in Abu Dhabi. Its refined profile pairs beautifully with scallop ceviche or grilled red mullet marinated in thyme and olive oil, perfect for haute cuisine.
Thanks to CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, Carbon Blanc de Blancs 2015 can be delivered straight to your doorstep. Elevate your next gathering with this prestigious champagne, and enjoy fast and reliable delivery within two hours.
France - Champagne
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Volume: 750 ml
1,225.00 AED
Carbon Blanc de Blancs Champagne is a luxurious, sparkling creation that embodies the essence of sophistication in every sip. Made exclusively from 100% Chardonnay Grand Cru grapes, this Blanc de Blancs represents the pinnacle of champagne craftsmanship, offering a sensory experience unlike any other. Known for its innovative design, each bottle is wrapped in carbon fiber, reminiscent of the craftsmanship seen in Bugatti supercars, making it not just a drink, but a work of art.
This 2015 vintage boasts a creamy, velvety texture that caresses the palate with honeyed notes, accompanied by a dynamic interplay of Granny Smith apple, green citrus, and a savory finish of chalk powder and lemony graphite undertones. Each sip is a luxurious voyage, delivering freshness and elegance that lingers.
Recognized for its exceptional quality, Carbon Blanc de Blancs 2015 was awarded an impressive 93/100 by the International Wine and Spirits Competition, further establishing its place among the world’s finest champagnes. This vintage, from the Grande Montagne de Reims and Côte des Blancs, comes from a remarkable solar year in Champagne, with six years of aging on lees, a true testament to Carbon’s commitment to tradition and perfection.
This champagne excels at both fine dining and exclusive celebrations. Imagine popping a bottle at a glamorous penthouse party in Bulgari Residences Dubai, or sipping it at an elegant gathering in Al Maryah Island in Abu Dhabi. Its refined profile pairs beautifully with scallop ceviche or grilled red mullet marinated in thyme and olive oil, perfect for haute cuisine.
Thanks to CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE, Carbon Blanc de Blancs 2015 can be delivered straight to your doorstep. Elevate your next gathering with this prestigious champagne, and enjoy fast and reliable delivery within two hours.
Champagne - Blanc de Blancs
France - Champagne
Grape Variety
Vivino rating
An initial bouquet of white fruits and floral notes with a minty freshness, evolving into yellow citrus, white flowers, and subtle aromatic herbs.
A harmonious blend of yellow fruits and nuts, uplifted by a refreshing undertone.
A unique combination of chalk powder and lemony graphite, offering a savory and lingering aftertaste.
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