Volume: 700 ml
Camus XO Cognac is a masterpiece of depth and complexity, hailing from the renowned Cognac region of France. This exquisite spirit is crafted from a blend of carefully selected eaux-de-vie, offering an experience that transcends the ordinary. Encased in an elegantly designed bottle, the Camus XO Cognac is not just a beverage, but a celebration of rich tradition and luxurious flavor.
Camus XO Cognac captivates the senses with its rich and fulfilling flavor profile. It boasts a remarkable balance of raisin, thick incense, dusky spice notes, and a lingering essence of dark chocolate. The palate is treated to a symphony of fresh coffee, chocolate syrup, intense vanilla bean, nougat, and a well-integrated Christmas spice character. The finish is long, soothing, and never hot, leaving a memorable impression of chocolate and vanilla.
Each batch of Camus XO Cognac is a testament to the traditional methods of cognac production, honed over centuries in France. The spirit is aged in oak barrels, which imparts a sherried scent and deep amber hue, along with notes of fresh figs and black cherry. This meticulous process ensures that every sip of Camus XO is a journey through the rich history and skill of the Camus family's cognac-making artistry.
The perfect digestif, best enjoyed neat in a tulip glass. Try pairing it with a buttery, crumbly dessert to bring out its rich pastry flavors - or simply enjoy it alongside an espresso after dinner.
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Volume: 700 ml
595.00 AED
645.00 AED
Camus XO Cognac is a masterpiece of depth and complexity, hailing from the renowned Cognac region of France. This exquisite spirit is crafted from a blend of carefully selected eaux-de-vie, offering an experience that transcends the ordinary. Encased in an elegantly designed bottle, the Camus XO Cognac is not just a beverage, but a celebration of rich tradition and luxurious flavor.
Camus XO Cognac captivates the senses with its rich and fulfilling flavor profile. It boasts a remarkable balance of raisin, thick incense, dusky spice notes, and a lingering essence of dark chocolate. The palate is treated to a symphony of fresh coffee, chocolate syrup, intense vanilla bean, nougat, and a well-integrated Christmas spice character. The finish is long, soothing, and never hot, leaving a memorable impression of chocolate and vanilla.
Each batch of Camus XO Cognac is a testament to the traditional methods of cognac production, honed over centuries in France. The spirit is aged in oak barrels, which imparts a sherried scent and deep amber hue, along with notes of fresh figs and black cherry. This meticulous process ensures that every sip of Camus XO is a journey through the rich history and skill of the Camus family's cognac-making artistry.
The perfect digestif, best enjoyed neat in a tulip glass. Try pairing it with a buttery, crumbly dessert to bring out its rich pastry flavors - or simply enjoy it alongside an espresso after dinner.
A lavish bouquet of tobacco leaf, cigar box, and cedar wood, complemented by hints of vanilla and baking spices.
A decadent display of vanilla, baking spices, and rich, fruity creme brulee notes.
Long and satisfying, with an earthy espresso, leather, orange peel, and a touch of cocoa.
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