Volume: 330 ml
Bush FramBush by Brasserie Dubuisson is a distinctive fruit beer crafted from the robust Bush Caractère base, infused with natural raspberry extracts. Launched in 2022, this Belgian brew showcases a striking pink-red color and an 8.5% ABV, embodying both intensity and refreshing fruity notes. The initial sweetness from the raspberry is followed by a crisp acidity, balancing the flavor profile for a full-bodied yet refreshing experience.
FramBush has an inviting aroma of fresh raspberries with subtle hints of red berries, and its rich, complex taste makes it an ideal companion for lighter fare, such as fresh salads or mild cheeses, and even desserts. Its smooth texture and refined bitterness complement the fruit’s natural sweetness without overpowering, making it a perfect choice for fans of strong, fruity beers.
CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store, brings Bush FramBush to your door within 2 hours—ideal for any occasion. Whether you’re enjoying it with a sunset view on Jumeirah Beach Residence Dubai or sharing it at a gathering in Yas Island Abu Dhabi, Bush FramBush adds a fruity twist to elevate any setting.
Brasserie Dubuisson
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Volume: 330 ml
97.50 AED
Bush FramBush by Brasserie Dubuisson is a distinctive fruit beer crafted from the robust Bush Caractère base, infused with natural raspberry extracts. Launched in 2022, this Belgian brew showcases a striking pink-red color and an 8.5% ABV, embodying both intensity and refreshing fruity notes. The initial sweetness from the raspberry is followed by a crisp acidity, balancing the flavor profile for a full-bodied yet refreshing experience.
FramBush has an inviting aroma of fresh raspberries with subtle hints of red berries, and its rich, complex taste makes it an ideal companion for lighter fare, such as fresh salads or mild cheeses, and even desserts. Its smooth texture and refined bitterness complement the fruit’s natural sweetness without overpowering, making it a perfect choice for fans of strong, fruity beers.
CityDrinks, the UAE’s leading online liquor store, brings Bush FramBush to your door within 2 hours—ideal for any occasion. Whether you’re enjoying it with a sunset view on Jumeirah Beach Residence Dubai or sharing it at a gathering in Yas Island Abu Dhabi, Bush FramBush adds a fruity twist to elevate any setting.
Fruit and Field Beer
Brasserie Dubuisson
Bitterness (IBU)
Untappd Rating
The aroma is rich in intense raspberry and red fruit hints, creating an inviting olfactory experience.
It offers a layered complexity of raspberry flavors, starting with a subtle sweetness that transitions into a refreshing acidity, embodying a harmonious blend of the beer's robust character with the delicate essence of natural raspberry extracts.
A distinctive and enjoyable fruit beer experience
Can or Bottle
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