Budweiser, known as the "King of Beers," is a quintessential American-style lager that has been enjoyed worldwide since its introduction in 1876. Brewed by Anheuser-Busch, this iconic beer is renowned for its consistent quality, smooth flavor, and crisp finish. Utilizing a blend of premium barley malt, rice, and a combination of imported and American-grown hops, Budweiser undergoes a meticulous brewing process that includes "kraeusening" for natural carbonation and Beechwood aging to enhance its flavor and character.
Budweiser features a pale golden color with a mild, slightly sweet aroma of malt and rice. The taste is light and crisp, balanced by a subtle bitterness from the hops, making it refreshingly easy to drink. This lager is perfect for a variety of occasions, whether you're relaxing at home, enjoying a meal, or celebrating with friends.
CityDrinks, the largest online liquor store in the UAE, is based in Abu Dhabi and proudly offers Budweiser Beer. Our incredibly fast delivery service ensures you can enjoy this classic beer at your doorstep in as little as 30 minutes, and up to a maximum of 2 hours. We recognize the importance of your time and strive to provide unmatched quality of service and a unique customer experience. With over 200 beers across 14 different beer styles available for immediate delivery, CityDrinks is your go-to source for all your beverage needs. Order now and enjoy the refreshing taste of Budweiser.
Lily Roberson
The golden beer captivates the senses with its alluring malt and noble hop aroma, complemented by hints of citrus and fruit. With a crisp and clean taste, it leaves an unforgettable impression and a satisfying finish. The unquestionably toothsome experience will drive one to pick it time and time again.
Tobias Lowery
The elegantly designed bottle houses a delectable, refined brew with a rich, golden hue and a tasteful balance of malt and hops that is simply exquisite. 🍻
25.00 AED
30.00 AED / 1x
Budweiser, known as the "King of Beers," is a quintessential American-style lager that has been enjoyed worldwide since its introduction in 1876. Brewed by Anheuser-Busch, this iconic beer is renowned for its consistent quality, smooth flavor, and crisp finish. Utilizing a blend of premium barley malt, rice, and a combination of imported and American-grown hops, Budweiser undergoes a meticulous brewing process that includes "kraeusening" for natural carbonation and Beechwood aging to enhance its flavor and character.
Budweiser features a pale golden color with a mild, slightly sweet aroma of malt and rice. The taste is light and crisp, balanced by a subtle bitterness from the hops, making it refreshingly easy to drink. This lager is perfect for a variety of occasions, whether you're relaxing at home, enjoying a meal, or celebrating with friends.
CityDrinks, the largest online liquor store in the UAE, is based in Abu Dhabi and proudly offers Budweiser Beer. Our incredibly fast delivery service ensures you can enjoy this classic beer at your doorstep in as little as 30 minutes, and up to a maximum of 2 hours. We recognize the importance of your time and strive to provide unmatched quality of service and a unique customer experience. With over 200 beers across 14 different beer styles available for immediate delivery, CityDrinks is your go-to source for all your beverage needs. Order now and enjoy the refreshing taste of Budweiser.
Bitterness (IBU)
Untappd Rating
Budweiser has a light aroma with subtle notes of grains and a hint of sweetness.
The taste is crisp and clean, characterized by a balanced blend of mild hop bitterness and light malt sweetness.
It finishes smooth and refreshing, leaving a pleasingly mild aftertaste.
Can or Bottle
Lily Roberson
The golden beer captivates the senses with its alluring malt and noble hop aroma, complemented by hints of citrus and fruit. With a crisp and clean taste, it leaves an unforgettable impression and a satisfying finish. The unquestionably toothsome experience will drive one to pick it time and time again.
Tobias Lowery
The elegantly designed bottle houses a delectable, refined brew with a rich, golden hue and a tasteful balance of malt and hops that is simply exquisite. 🍻
Leyton Mcneil
This brew offers a taste that is both crisp and clean, culminating in a satisfying finish. It is uncommonly refreshing!
Franciszek Harper
Refreshing golden reward with crisp clean taste, perfect finish.
Kenny Gallagher
Absolutely loving Budweiser! The captivating golden hue and delicate aroma of malt and hops are pure bliss. The crisp taste with a hint of citrus is an absolute treat.