Volume: 500 ml
Budweiser, known as the "King of Beers," is a quintessential American-style lager that has been enjoyed worldwide since its introduction in 1876. Brewed by Anheuser-Busch, this iconic beer is renowned for its consistent quality, smooth flavor, and crisp finish. Utilizing a blend of premium barley malt, rice, and a combination of imported and American-grown hops, Budweiser undergoes a meticulous brewing process that includes "kraeusening" for natural carbonation and Beechwood aging to enhance its flavor and character.
Budweiser features a pale golden color with a mild, slightly sweet aroma of malt and rice. The taste is light and crisp, balanced by a subtle bitterness from the hops, making it refreshingly easy to drink. This lager is perfect for a variety of occasions, whether you're relaxing at home, enjoying a meal, or celebrating with friends.
With CityDrinks’ lightning-fast delivery, you can enjoy an ice-cold Budweiser right at your doorstep in as little as 2 hours. Hosting a yacht party at Dubai Marina, or settling in for a movie night in Khalifa City Abu Dhabi? CityDrinks has you covered with quick, reliable delivery, so you can serve up the unmistakable taste of Budweiser for any gathering or celebrations.
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Volume: 500 ml
35.00 AED
40.00 AED / 1x
Budweiser, known as the "King of Beers," is a quintessential American-style lager that has been enjoyed worldwide since its introduction in 1876. Brewed by Anheuser-Busch, this iconic beer is renowned for its consistent quality, smooth flavor, and crisp finish. Utilizing a blend of premium barley malt, rice, and a combination of imported and American-grown hops, Budweiser undergoes a meticulous brewing process that includes "kraeusening" for natural carbonation and Beechwood aging to enhance its flavor and character.
Budweiser features a pale golden color with a mild, slightly sweet aroma of malt and rice. The taste is light and crisp, balanced by a subtle bitterness from the hops, making it refreshingly easy to drink. This lager is perfect for a variety of occasions, whether you're relaxing at home, enjoying a meal, or celebrating with friends.
With CityDrinks’ lightning-fast delivery, you can enjoy an ice-cold Budweiser right at your doorstep in as little as 2 hours. Hosting a yacht party at Dubai Marina, or settling in for a movie night in Khalifa City Abu Dhabi? CityDrinks has you covered with quick, reliable delivery, so you can serve up the unmistakable taste of Budweiser for any gathering or celebrations.
Bitterness (IBU)
Untappd Rating
Budweiser has a light aroma with subtle notes of grains and a hint of sweetness.
The taste is crisp and clean, characterized by a balanced blend of mild hop bitterness and light malt sweetness.
It finishes smooth and refreshing, leaving a pleasingly mild aftertaste.
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