Volume: 1500 ml
Beluga Noble Vodka is a symbol of Russian craftsmanship, combining the finest natural ingredients with traditional production methods. Produced in Mariinsk, Siberia, this vodka is made from pure artesian water and malt spirit, and it undergoes triple filtration for unmatched purity. Beluga Noble is renowned for its smooth, balanced flavor, offering vodka enthusiasts a refined drinking experience.
On the palate, Beluga Noble Vodka is soft and silky, with a slight sweetness and hints of vanilla and herbs. It offers a clean, crisp finish with a delicate touch of spices, making it a versatile vodka for both sipping neat and mixing in premium cocktails. Its elegant smoothness ensures a memorable tasting experience.
The production process is meticulous, with Beluga Noble resting for 30 days post-distillation to allow the flavors to mature and achieve perfect harmony. This dedication to tradition and quality makes Beluga Noble one of the most prestigious vodkas available globally.
Beluga Noble pairs beautifully with smoked fish, caviar, or light appetizers like blinis and sour cream. Its rich texture and refined profile also make it an ideal companion for sushi or light seafood dishes.
Whether you're unwinding with friends at The Greens Dubai or enjoying a sophisticated gathering in Al Mushrif Abu Dhabi, CityDrinks delivers Beluga Noble Vodka within two hours. As the largest online liquor store in the UAE, CityDrinks brings this luxurious vodka right to your door, ensuring a top-tier experience for any occasion.
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Volume: 1500 ml
405.00 AED
Beluga Noble Vodka is a symbol of Russian craftsmanship, combining the finest natural ingredients with traditional production methods. Produced in Mariinsk, Siberia, this vodka is made from pure artesian water and malt spirit, and it undergoes triple filtration for unmatched purity. Beluga Noble is renowned for its smooth, balanced flavor, offering vodka enthusiasts a refined drinking experience.
On the palate, Beluga Noble Vodka is soft and silky, with a slight sweetness and hints of vanilla and herbs. It offers a clean, crisp finish with a delicate touch of spices, making it a versatile vodka for both sipping neat and mixing in premium cocktails. Its elegant smoothness ensures a memorable tasting experience.
The production process is meticulous, with Beluga Noble resting for 30 days post-distillation to allow the flavors to mature and achieve perfect harmony. This dedication to tradition and quality makes Beluga Noble one of the most prestigious vodkas available globally.
Beluga Noble pairs beautifully with smoked fish, caviar, or light appetizers like blinis and sour cream. Its rich texture and refined profile also make it an ideal companion for sushi or light seafood dishes.
Whether you're unwinding with friends at The Greens Dubai or enjoying a sophisticated gathering in Al Mushrif Abu Dhabi, CityDrinks delivers Beluga Noble Vodka within two hours. As the largest online liquor store in the UAE, CityDrinks brings this luxurious vodka right to your door, ensuring a top-tier experience for any occasion.
Wheat Vodka
A delicate balance of freshness with hints of grain and floral undertones.
A rich and intense flavor palette that's both well-balanced and complex.
Leaves a lasting impression of purity and a smooth, noble character.
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