"Attack On Titan Beyond The Wall Eren Label Sake" is an official collaboration between the hit anime and manga series "Attack on Titan" and the esteemed Japanese sake brand Daina.
Made to embody the spirit of Eren, the anime's main protagonist, this sake is as pure and straightforward as Eren’s heart. Originating from Tochigi Prefecture, this Junmai Ginjo sake is crafted using Gohyakumangoku rice, and its full flavor leaves a crisp and light aftertaste.
This sake features a rich and dry taste profile, with an alcohol content of 15%. Its flavor is reminiscent of comforting aromas like brown sugar, banana, with hints of guava and violet flowers, offering a full-bodied experience with a crisp, light finish. This well-balanced sake is food-friendly, pairing superbly with a wide range of dishes, including Japanese cuisine like Nimono (Braised/Simmered Dishes) and sweet soy meat dishes.
Crafted by Kiku no Sato Brewing Company, a brewery established in 1866, this sake is a product of longstanding sake-making tradition and expertise. The brewery is renowned for creating well-known sake lines like Ichiryu and Kimi no Tomo and is dedicated to producing full-bodied sake with a clean finish. It's made in a small-scale operation run by a family, emphasizing quality and artisanal craftsmanship.
This sake is versatile enough to be enjoyed in various settings - whether it's a casual sip from your favorite glass or a formal dinner pairing. It's ideal for different temperatures, offering new tasting experiences whether served hot or cold.
Beyond The Wall
Mathilda Bradshaw
It has a particularly rich and clean taste, unquestionably rounded and long-lasting finish.
Faizan Miller
The Daina Attack on Titan x Beyond the Wall Eren Model offers a taste beyond expectation, with its clear coloring and fresh, fruity aroma. The rich and clean flavor, coupled with sweet notes, creates an excellent drinking experience that lingers long after each sip. The cost of this sake is well worth the complex and exquisite experience it provides.
375.00 AED
"Attack On Titan Beyond The Wall Eren Label Sake" is an official collaboration between the hit anime and manga series "Attack on Titan" and the esteemed Japanese sake brand Daina.
Made to embody the spirit of Eren, the anime's main protagonist, this sake is as pure and straightforward as Eren’s heart. Originating from Tochigi Prefecture, this Junmai Ginjo sake is crafted using Gohyakumangoku rice, and its full flavor leaves a crisp and light aftertaste.
This sake features a rich and dry taste profile, with an alcohol content of 15%. Its flavor is reminiscent of comforting aromas like brown sugar, banana, with hints of guava and violet flowers, offering a full-bodied experience with a crisp, light finish. This well-balanced sake is food-friendly, pairing superbly with a wide range of dishes, including Japanese cuisine like Nimono (Braised/Simmered Dishes) and sweet soy meat dishes.
Crafted by Kiku no Sato Brewing Company, a brewery established in 1866, this sake is a product of longstanding sake-making tradition and expertise. The brewery is renowned for creating well-known sake lines like Ichiryu and Kimi no Tomo and is dedicated to producing full-bodied sake with a clean finish. It's made in a small-scale operation run by a family, emphasizing quality and artisanal craftsmanship.
This sake is versatile enough to be enjoyed in various settings - whether it's a casual sip from your favorite glass or a formal dinner pairing. It's ideal for different temperatures, offering new tasting experiences whether served hot or cold.
Beyond The Wall
A blend of brown sugar, banana, with undertones of guava and violet flowers.
Rich and full-flavored, offering a balance of sweetness and dryness.
Crisp and light, leaving a transparent and refreshing aftertaste.
Mathilda Bradshaw
It has a particularly rich and clean taste, unquestionably rounded and long-lasting finish.
Faizan Miller
The Daina Attack on Titan x Beyond the Wall Eren Model offers a taste beyond expectation, with its clear coloring and fresh, fruity aroma. The rich and clean flavor, coupled with sweet notes, creates an excellent drinking experience that lingers long after each sip. The cost of this sake is well worth the complex and exquisite experience it provides.
Siena Middleton
I'm shocked by the deliciously rich and fruity notes, totally satisfying the palate 🍷
Jeffrey Berry
I simply adore the fruity and floral notes in the nose of this sake! The long-lasting finish makes every sip even better. Enjoy!
Maximus Gaines
That thing fulfillled my desire for a good sake with a floral and fruity bouquet.