Amrut Nilgiris Indian Dry Gin, launched in December 2020, captures the essence of the Nilgiris (Blue) mountains in India. This gin is a modern twist on the classic London Dry style, infused with distinctive tea and mace notes, adding a unique character. The botanicals used are sourced from the Nilgiris, giving it a regional flair.
Ideal for gin enthusiasts who enjoy a twist in their classic cocktails. Its unique profile is perfect for cocktails that highlight herbal and tea notes.
Amrut, primarily known for its single malt production, has ventured successfully into gin with Nilgiris, creating a gin that resonates with the traditional taste yet stands out with its unique Indian botanicals. This gin is a testament to Amrut's versatility and innovation in the spirits industry.
Albie Vazquez
Smooth, buttery juniper blended with edgy citrus and spice. Delicate floral undertones reckon it's awfully great 👌
Abby Floyd
Miraculously smooth and buttery, the juniper blends seamlessly with tangy citrus and raw mango, creating a tantalizing symphony of flavors. The delicate hints of brewed tea and floral undertones add a sophisticated touch. At this cost, one cannot help but appreciate the long-lasting, dry finish that packs a punch.
135.00 AED
Amrut Nilgiris Indian Dry Gin, launched in December 2020, captures the essence of the Nilgiris (Blue) mountains in India. This gin is a modern twist on the classic London Dry style, infused with distinctive tea and mace notes, adding a unique character. The botanicals used are sourced from the Nilgiris, giving it a regional flair.
Ideal for gin enthusiasts who enjoy a twist in their classic cocktails. Its unique profile is perfect for cocktails that highlight herbal and tea notes.
Amrut, primarily known for its single malt production, has ventured successfully into gin with Nilgiris, creating a gin that resonates with the traditional taste yet stands out with its unique Indian botanicals. This gin is a testament to Amrut's versatility and innovation in the spirits industry.
A delightful mix of traditional London Dry gin with a hint of aromatic tea.
A blend of classic gin botanicals complemented by the distinct flavors of tea and mace.
A familiar London Dry finish with an intriguing twist of Indian botanicals.
Albie Vazquez
Smooth, buttery juniper blended with edgy citrus and spice. Delicate floral undertones reckon it's awfully great 👌
Abby Floyd
Miraculously smooth and buttery, the juniper blends seamlessly with tangy citrus and raw mango, creating a tantalizing symphony of flavors. The delicate hints of brewed tea and floral undertones add a sophisticated touch. At this cost, one cannot help but appreciate the long-lasting, dry finish that packs a punch.
Jaya Webster
Warmth in a glass, smooth juniper with citrus and punchy finish 🍸
Dawn Hernandez
Get ready to sip and savor, 'cause this gin is gonna make you feel just great!
Yasir Townsend
It is a seriously rewarding gin. The long, dry finish. Citrusy-juniper flavors and delicate undertones.