Volume: 750 ml
Amrut Kurinji is a distinctive single malt whisky from Amrut Distilleries, part of their "Single Malts of India" series, showcasing unique regional malts. Named after the Kurinji flower, which blooms once every 12 years in the hills of South India, this whisky captures the essence and vibrancy of its namesake. The Kurinji flower's rare and special nature is reflected in the meticulous craftsmanship and unique flavor profile of this whisky.
Amrut Kurinji is crafted from 100% malted six-row barley and aged for five years in ex-bourbon casks. The accelerated aging process due to India's climate imparts rich and complex flavors, making it comparable to whiskies aged much longer in cooler climates. This single malt is unpeated, allowing the natural characteristics of the barley and the influence of the casks to shine.
The whisky pours a bright gold color and greets the nose with sweet floral notes of jasmine and honeysuckle, mingling with hints of pear, melon, and muscovado sugar. The palate is smooth and rich, offering flavors of sweet caramel toffee, spices like nutmeg and anise, and a touch of candied ginger, all wrapped in a comforting vanilla and fruity syrup. The finish is long and warming, with notes of ginger, white pepper, and spiced oak, leaving a lingering dryness that invites another sip.
CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE and based in Abu Dhabi, is proud to offer Amrut Kurinji at the best prices. Our fast delivery service ensures you can enjoy this exceptional whisky at your doorstep within 2 hours. With an unmatched quality of service, CityDrinks provides over 250 whisky options and a wide range of other premium spirits available for immediate delivery. Order now and savor the rich, complex flavors of Amrut Kurinji.
Maizie Welch
A truly refreshing and superior whisky experience, Amrut Kurinji is the pick for a memorable time.
Ehsan Barr
Surprisingly refreshing and flavorful. Totally surpassed my expectations!
Volume: 750 ml
340.00 AED
370.00 AED
Amrut Kurinji is a distinctive single malt whisky from Amrut Distilleries, part of their "Single Malts of India" series, showcasing unique regional malts. Named after the Kurinji flower, which blooms once every 12 years in the hills of South India, this whisky captures the essence and vibrancy of its namesake. The Kurinji flower's rare and special nature is reflected in the meticulous craftsmanship and unique flavor profile of this whisky.
Amrut Kurinji is crafted from 100% malted six-row barley and aged for five years in ex-bourbon casks. The accelerated aging process due to India's climate imparts rich and complex flavors, making it comparable to whiskies aged much longer in cooler climates. This single malt is unpeated, allowing the natural characteristics of the barley and the influence of the casks to shine.
The whisky pours a bright gold color and greets the nose with sweet floral notes of jasmine and honeysuckle, mingling with hints of pear, melon, and muscovado sugar. The palate is smooth and rich, offering flavors of sweet caramel toffee, spices like nutmeg and anise, and a touch of candied ginger, all wrapped in a comforting vanilla and fruity syrup. The finish is long and warming, with notes of ginger, white pepper, and spiced oak, leaving a lingering dryness that invites another sip.
CityDrinks, the leading online liquor store in the UAE and based in Abu Dhabi, is proud to offer Amrut Kurinji at the best prices. Our fast delivery service ensures you can enjoy this exceptional whisky at your doorstep within 2 hours. With an unmatched quality of service, CityDrinks provides over 250 whisky options and a wide range of other premium spirits available for immediate delivery. Order now and savor the rich, complex flavors of Amrut Kurinji.
Single Malt
Cask Type
No Age Statement
Sweet floral wafts of jasmine and honeysuckle, with pear, melon, and muscovado sugar.
Sweet caramel toffee, nutmeg, anise, candied ginger, vanilla, and fruity syrup.
Long and warming with ginger, white pepper, and spiced oak, ending with a dry note.
Gift box
Maizie Welch
A truly refreshing and superior whisky experience, Amrut Kurinji is the pick for a memorable time.
Ehsan Barr
Surprisingly refreshing and flavorful. Totally surpassed my expectations!
Esmee Campos
A fantastic blend of fruity caramel and spice, guaranteed to make you satisfied! 💫
Juliet Perkins
Really satisfied with its smooth syrupy texture, I'm glad with the sweet caramel toffee. Fabulous and definitely one of the most memorable sips I've had.
Zahra Villanueva
With its refreshing presence and syrupy texture, the smooth amalgamation of spices and sweetness in this Indian single malt whisky is simply admirable. Its delectable combination of peach, pears, and honey, sprinkled with tangy lime, creates a fruity syrup that lingers on the palate. Drenched in warm ginger and spiced oak, it has left me yearning for more of this dry yet bitter masterpiece.