Volume: 4500 ml
Absolut Blue Vodka, also known as Absolut Original, is one of the most iconic vodkas in the world, renowned for its purity and smoothness. Produced in Åhus, Sweden, using the finest locally sourced winter wheat and pristine well water, Absolut Blue is distilled continuously, a unique process that creates an exceptionally pure and clean vodka. With its smooth taste and versatile profile, Absolut Blue has been a favorite for vodka lovers around the globe since its introduction in 1979.
With an alcohol content of 40% ABV, Absolut Blue Vodka offers a crisp, clean flavor with no added sugar. The continuous distillation process ensures that the vodka remains free of impurities, resulting in a smooth texture that’s perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or as the foundation for a wide range of cocktails.
On the nose, Absolut Blue Vodka is clean and fresh, with subtle hints of grain and a touch of spice. The palate is smooth and balanced, delivering a pure, neutral flavor with a gentle sweetness and a hint of pepper. The finish is crisp and refreshing, making it an ideal choice for any occasion.
Absolut Blue Vodka is a versatile spirit that can be used to create classic cocktails like the Vodka Martini, Moscow Mule, or a refreshing Vodka Tonic. Its smoothness and purity also make it an excellent base for more complex cocktails.
Whether you're enjoying a classic cocktail at a rooftop party in Business Bay Dubai or sharing a quiet drink with friends in Al Raha Gardens Abu Dhabi, Absolut Blue Vodka adds a touch of Swedish quality to any gathering. With CityDrinks, the UAE’s premier online liquor store, this iconic vodka can be delivered to your door within two hours, ready to be enjoyed.
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Volume: 4500 ml
425.00 AED
Absolut Blue Vodka, also known as Absolut Original, is one of the most iconic vodkas in the world, renowned for its purity and smoothness. Produced in Åhus, Sweden, using the finest locally sourced winter wheat and pristine well water, Absolut Blue is distilled continuously, a unique process that creates an exceptionally pure and clean vodka. With its smooth taste and versatile profile, Absolut Blue has been a favorite for vodka lovers around the globe since its introduction in 1979.
With an alcohol content of 40% ABV, Absolut Blue Vodka offers a crisp, clean flavor with no added sugar. The continuous distillation process ensures that the vodka remains free of impurities, resulting in a smooth texture that’s perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or as the foundation for a wide range of cocktails.
On the nose, Absolut Blue Vodka is clean and fresh, with subtle hints of grain and a touch of spice. The palate is smooth and balanced, delivering a pure, neutral flavor with a gentle sweetness and a hint of pepper. The finish is crisp and refreshing, making it an ideal choice for any occasion.
Absolut Blue Vodka is a versatile spirit that can be used to create classic cocktails like the Vodka Martini, Moscow Mule, or a refreshing Vodka Tonic. Its smoothness and purity also make it an excellent base for more complex cocktails.
Whether you're enjoying a classic cocktail at a rooftop party in Business Bay Dubai or sharing a quiet drink with friends in Al Raha Gardens Abu Dhabi, Absolut Blue Vodka adds a touch of Swedish quality to any gathering. With CityDrinks, the UAE’s premier online liquor store, this iconic vodka can be delivered to your door within two hours, ready to be enjoyed.
Wheat Vodka
Clean with a hint of peppery grains, offering a subtle aroma.
Starts with a touch of peppery grains and vanilla pod, evolving into a well-rounded flavor.
Elegant with a smooth finish, maintaining its clarity and simplicity.
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