Volume: 1000 ml
Absolut Mango is a tropical and refreshing vodka that was introduced in 2007, offering a delightful blend of ripe mango flavor. Infused with the natural sweetness and tang of mangoes, this vodka brings a bright, fruity taste that is both smooth and refreshing. With no added sugar, Absolut Mango retains its clean and crisp finish, making it perfect for those who love a natural fruit-forward vodka.
Produced in Åhus, Sweden, Absolut Mango is crafted using locally grown winter wheat and pure Swedish water, following Absolut’s strict standards of quality. Its tropical flavor profile makes it an ideal base for a variety of cocktails, including Mango Mojitos, Mango Martinis, or simply mixed with soda for a light, refreshing drink.
In both Dubai as Abu Dhabi, Absolut Mango is a go-to choice for anyone looking to add a tropical twist to their cocktail lineup. Whether you're enjoying it at a beachside gathering or a casual get-together, its exotic, fruity flavor is sure to transport you to a tropical paradise.
CityDrinks offers fast delivery of Absolut Mango Vodka across the UAE, ensuring you can enjoy this tropical spirit right at home. As the leading online liquor store in the UAE, CityDrinks takes pride in delivering premium spirits and wines with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction. Whether you're in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain or anywhere across the UAE, our reliable service ensures you can explore the world of fine drinks with ease. Drink responsibly and elevate your cocktail game with Absolut Mango!
Hamzah House
Mango lovers rejoice! There's a vodka that packs a succulent punch of tropical goodness!
Troy Orozco
With its distinct and luscious taste, this vodka exudes the essence of a fully ripened mango, complemented by subtle undertones of tropical fruit. When enjoyed chilled, it provides a refreshing and invigorating experience that will transport you to sun-drenched paradises. Its versatility allows for endless possibilities in creating glorious and beneficial mixed drinks, making it a must-buy for those seeking an extraordinary drinking experience.
Volume: 1000 ml
65.00 AED
75.00 AED
Absolut Mango is a tropical and refreshing vodka that was introduced in 2007, offering a delightful blend of ripe mango flavor. Infused with the natural sweetness and tang of mangoes, this vodka brings a bright, fruity taste that is both smooth and refreshing. With no added sugar, Absolut Mango retains its clean and crisp finish, making it perfect for those who love a natural fruit-forward vodka.
Produced in Åhus, Sweden, Absolut Mango is crafted using locally grown winter wheat and pure Swedish water, following Absolut’s strict standards of quality. Its tropical flavor profile makes it an ideal base for a variety of cocktails, including Mango Mojitos, Mango Martinis, or simply mixed with soda for a light, refreshing drink.
In both Dubai as Abu Dhabi, Absolut Mango is a go-to choice for anyone looking to add a tropical twist to their cocktail lineup. Whether you're enjoying it at a beachside gathering or a casual get-together, its exotic, fruity flavor is sure to transport you to a tropical paradise.
CityDrinks offers fast delivery of Absolut Mango Vodka across the UAE, ensuring you can enjoy this tropical spirit right at home. As the leading online liquor store in the UAE, CityDrinks takes pride in delivering premium spirits and wines with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction. Whether you're in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain or anywhere across the UAE, our reliable service ensures you can explore the world of fine drinks with ease. Drink responsibly and elevate your cocktail game with Absolut Mango!
Wheat Vodka
Intense aroma of ripe mangoes, evoking tropical freshness.
A rich burst of mango flavor, complemented by subtle notes of other tropical fruits.
Smooth and refreshing, leaving a pleasantly fruity aftertaste.
Hamzah House
Mango lovers rejoice! There's a vodka that packs a succulent punch of tropical goodness!
Troy Orozco
With its distinct and luscious taste, this vodka exudes the essence of a fully ripened mango, complemented by subtle undertones of tropical fruit. When enjoyed chilled, it provides a refreshing and invigorating experience that will transport you to sun-drenched paradises. Its versatility allows for endless possibilities in creating glorious and beneficial mixed drinks, making it a must-buy for those seeking an extraordinary drinking experience.
Alicia Mclaughlin
The taste of ripe mango in this vodka is astonishing, especially when paired with a splash of orange juice. Affordable option.
Clarence Wilson
Unbelievably flavorsome and worth every cent, an affordable must-buy.
Qasim Torres
The taste of ripe mango with hints of tropical fruit amazed me and left my mind satisfied.