Volume: 750 ml
19 Crimes Cabernet Sauvignon embodies a rebellious spirit, captivating consumers with its bold flavors and intriguing backstory. Renowned for its rich and robust character, this wine stands out within its category for its distinctive label featuring infamous historical convicts. Its deep crimson color and intense aromas of blackberry and vanilla entice the senses, while its full-bodied palate delivers layers of dark fruit, spice, and oak.
Crafted with care, 19 Crimes Cabernet Sauvignon is made from high-quality Cabernet Sauvignon grapes sourced from select vineyards across Australia. The grapes undergo fermentation in stainless steel tanks, followed by aging in a combination of French and American oak barrels to impart complexity and depth. This aging process, lasting approximately 9 to 12 months, allows the wine to develop its distinctive character and smooth tannins, setting it apart from others in its category.
Produced by Treasury Wine Estates, 19 Crimes hails from Australia, a country renowned for its diverse and thriving wine industry. Treasury Wine Estates boasts a rich history dating back to the 19th century, with a portfolio of acclaimed wine brands. 19 Crimes, in particular, stands out for its innovative marketing approach, incorporating augmented reality technology to bring its labels to life with captivating stories of historical convicts.
This robust Cabernet Sauvignon pairs well with hearty dishes such as grilled steak, roasted lamb, or rich pasta with tomato-based sauces. Its bold flavors also complement aged cheeses like cheddar or gouda.
19 Crimes
Australia South
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Volume: 750 ml
50.00 AED
55.00 AED / 1x
19 Crimes Cabernet Sauvignon embodies a rebellious spirit, captivating consumers with its bold flavors and intriguing backstory. Renowned for its rich and robust character, this wine stands out within its category for its distinctive label featuring infamous historical convicts. Its deep crimson color and intense aromas of blackberry and vanilla entice the senses, while its full-bodied palate delivers layers of dark fruit, spice, and oak.
Crafted with care, 19 Crimes Cabernet Sauvignon is made from high-quality Cabernet Sauvignon grapes sourced from select vineyards across Australia. The grapes undergo fermentation in stainless steel tanks, followed by aging in a combination of French and American oak barrels to impart complexity and depth. This aging process, lasting approximately 9 to 12 months, allows the wine to develop its distinctive character and smooth tannins, setting it apart from others in its category.
Produced by Treasury Wine Estates, 19 Crimes hails from Australia, a country renowned for its diverse and thriving wine industry. Treasury Wine Estates boasts a rich history dating back to the 19th century, with a portfolio of acclaimed wine brands. 19 Crimes, in particular, stands out for its innovative marketing approach, incorporating augmented reality technology to bring its labels to life with captivating stories of historical convicts.
This robust Cabernet Sauvignon pairs well with hearty dishes such as grilled steak, roasted lamb, or rich pasta with tomato-based sauces. Its bold flavors also complement aged cheeses like cheddar or gouda.
Red Full-Bodied
19 Crimes
Australia South
Grape Variety
Cabernet Sauvignon
Vivino rating
Aromas of ripe blackberries and hints of vanilla.
Rich flavors of dark fruit, spices, and oak.
The finish is long lasting.
Contains sulfites
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